43 Common Products and Whether They’re Worth Their Price Tag

Sometimes it’s worth hunting for a bargain, sometimes it’s not
43 Common Products and Whether They’re Worth Their Price Tag

When we're at the store, it's a constant question of whether it's better to take the cheaper deal, or pay a little extra for the higher quality product. Youll be surprised to find that often, despite the mark-up and presumed “status” that comes with a more expensive doodad, you can usually find cheaper alternatives that are just as good — or even better. Weve all suspected that HDMI cables dont need to be that expensive; after all, theyre basically as effective as a wire hanger.

On the other hand, sometimes a good product is a good product, and its worth the extra cost. Below we have a healthy number of both... 

Apple AirPods are no better than their knockoffs, minus a few minor features. While AirPods cost $159, the knockoffs will only run you around $39.99, and according to reviews, they have the same sound quality and durability. CRACKED.COM
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