36 Real Size Comparisons That Blew Our Doors Off
Turns out, the Statue of Liberty is kinda tiny

Sometimes all it takes to know something is to fully compare it to something else — especially when it comes to size. And that’s exactly what we’re doing here today. Below are 36 incredible size comparisons that are sure to astound you…
Wind Turbines


One Billion Dollars

![Earth Mercury Venus 4,879 km / 3,031 miles 12,104 km/7,521 miles Mars 6,771 km/4,207 miles Jupiter 139,822 km/86,881 miles All the planets in our Solar System could fit between the distance from Earth to the Moon. Saturn 116,464 km/72,367 miles Uranus 50,724 km / 31,518 miles CRACKED.COM Neptune 49,244 km/30,598 miles Distance to spare Moon ] 4,392 km/2,729 miles](https://s3.crackedcdn.com/phpimages/imageset/4/7/3/808473.jpg)

The Statue of Unity in India