40 Pieces of Pop-Culture Trivia Sliced Ultra-Thin to Provide More Surface Area for Flavor and Structural Integrity to Your Sandwich

Now that’s how you make a hoagie
40 Pieces of Pop-Culture Trivia Sliced Ultra-Thin to Provide More Surface Area for Flavor and Structural Integrity to Your Sandwich

Starring in Ghostbusters was fate for Dan Aykroyd — in more ways than one.

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Captain Phasma

Captain Phasma from Star Wars got her name thanks to a random association. When J.J. Abrams saw the design for her costume, it reminded him of the 1979 horror movie Phantasm, so he decided to name her Phasma. CRACKED.COM

Source: Vulture

Louie, Louie

Louie, Louie cheated the songwriter, but in the end, everything turned out okay. Richard BERRY Louie Louie CRACKED.C Richard Berry sold the original Louie, Louie and a few other singles to his label, for $750, when they didn't catch on in the 1950's. In the decades that followed, it was one of the most recorded songs of all time, but Berry thought he gave away his rights to it. It turned out that the law actually protects songwriters in these cases, and in 1982 he regained ownership of half the song and made $15,000 in royalties. Then he figured life

Pat Morita

CRACKED cO COM Pat Morita was hospitalized from age two to eleven with spinal tuberculosis. HE was sent to a Japanese internment camp after he left th

Brienne of Tarth

Game of Thrones FIRST APPEARANCE What is Dead May Never Die BRIENNE Knight to Lord Commander (with a brief sojourn in a bear pit). LAST APPEARANCE The Iron Throne CRACKED.COM

The Handmaid’s Tale

BEHIND-THE-SCENESP FACTS THE CHARACTERS WEREN'T ORIGINALLY VERY DIVERSE. THE HANDMAID'STALE In the book, all non-caucasian people were resettled to a different area called the National Homelands. The showrunners decided to remove that part because they didn't want to make a show with zero people of color. CRACKED.GOM


Dungeons & Dragons

WHEN PLAYING LATER D&D EDITIONS (3.5 ONWARD), CAP YOUR PLAYERS' LEVELS AT SIX. After that, every time they would level up, let them choose a feat instead. At that level, every class is still balanced. This will eventually lead to strong, competent warriors instead of superpowered gods. CRACKED.COM



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The Great Food Truck Race

Korilla BBQ THE GREAT FOOD TRUCK RACE IONY I CRACKEDc CON Producers said they were eliminated due to an unfortunate decision, which, at the time, wa

Super Mario Bros.

40 Pieces of Pop-Culture Trivia Sliced Ultra-Thin to Provide More Surface Area for Flavor and Structural Integrity to Your Sandwich


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