35 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Make You Wonder How You Ever Lived Without Them

As a person, you’re about 98 percent complete right now. These facts are about to finish the job
35 Random Bits of Trivia That’ll Make You Wonder How You Ever Lived Without Them

If ignorance is bliss, then we have to apologize for violently shaking you out of it. You’ve been strutting around town with the false notion that you’re a complete, well-rounded human being, but little did you know that these facts were a missing piece of the puzzle. 

Luckily for you, the bliss removal won’t last too long. After you take these in, a wave of satisfaction will cascade down your now complete brain. Trust us, it’s life-changing.


Goofy hasn't always been Mickey's dumb friend. In the '50s Disney showed him as an everyman dealing with adult issues like work, dieting, and smoking


The foam in your upholstered furniture is one of the most flammable materials in your home. Burning foam kills more people in fires than any other ite


The dog who played Toto in The Wizard of Oz earned $125 a week For comparision, the Munchkins were reportedly paid $50 a week. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM

Source: NPR

San Francisco

There are 30 to 60 ships buried under San Francisco. The ships remain from the Gold Rush, during the time the city decided to move the shoreline. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



The first on-screen Superman called the role beneath his dignity and Supes' tights and cape a monkey suit. George ReeveS hated playing Superman in


Since sharks become paralyzed when turned belly-side up, orcas ram them in the side to flip them over when they hunt them. This suggests that orcas know a little something about shark biology. CRACKED COM

Thomas the Train

A major character got cut entirely from Thomas and the Magic Railroad. His name was PT Boomer, and he was a villain - all his scenes were shot, but they ultimately got rid of him because kids found him too scary. CRACKED.COM

Source: Archive


Walt eventually offered night classes for aspiring female animators. But only because he knew a bunch of his animators were about to be drafted into W


Wilson from Castaway was created after the director intentionally stranded himself on an isolated beach for days. While he was researching how a stran


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