40 Militant Bits of Trivia That Expect Your Brain Up at 0400 Hours

These facts wait for no one
40 Militant Bits of Trivia That Expect Your Brain Up at 0400 Hours

You better hurry up if you hope to keep up with these facts, because they’re not the “read at your own leisure” type. They’re on a mission to spread their truth to as many eyeballs as possible, so straighten up that back, have those scrolling fingers ready and get to it. 

Oh, and after each fact, they like it when you shout, “Thank you, sir! May I have another?”

Atomic Bomb Rehearsal

As a rehearsal for the very first atomic bomb test, they stacked 100 tons of TNT. Trinity Well, 108 tons, to be exact - and they detonated them simultaneously in May, 1945, two months before the real thing: Trinity, the first nuclear explosion. CRACKED.COM


The Dark Knight

That's really Christian Bale on top of the Sears Tower in The Dark Knight. He told his stunt double You get to do a lot of fantastic stunts. You're not taking that one away from me. CRACKED.COM

Source: WIRED

The Simpsons

The golden age of The Simpsons is generally considered to be seasons 2 through 7, and there's a reason for that. Season 8 It changed showrunners and d


Belgian comedy magazine Humo ran a 9/11 ad in 2004. Back when the site of the World Trade Center was still an empty lot called Ground Zero, Humo tried


MYTH: Worried about criminal activity? It's got to be all those immigrants. FAGT8 Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes. First-generation immigr


40 Militant Bits of Trivia That Expect Your Brain Up at 0400 Hours


Arkham Asylum's name is a nod to H.P. Lovecraft and his Arkham Sanitarium. Climb Up Arkham Sanitarium showed up in his books, and it had his trademark sense of subtly unsettling madnesscwhich Arkham Asylum evokes, too. CRACKED.COM

Source: CBR

The International Space Station

The ISS is weightless because it's in orbit, not because of its distance from Earth. CRACKED.COM An airplane at the same altitude, under its own power, would have 89% as much gravity as the Earth's surface.



The Human Genome Project was 1990 1991 1998 1999 1990 launched in 1990. So was the Hubble Space Telescope. 1995 NOW YOU KNOW: THE '90s CRACKED.COM


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