35 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Sure to Get A Polite ‘Oh That’s Nice, Dear’ From Your Mom and/or Significant Other

The people need to hear these — whether they know it or not
35 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Sure to Get A Polite ‘Oh That’s Nice, Dear’ From Your Mom and/or Significant Other

Because you’re here right now, we can tell that you’re the fact-sharing type. Thank you. As you’ve probably seen before, random facts can get pretty tepid responses from friends and family. We don’t know why, but some people just aren’t as interested in these as we are. It’s insane. 

Our advice is to just push past their polite nods and proudly spout the facts no matter what. You’re saving them from ignorance, and they’ll thank you later!

Bra-Burning Feminists

Bra-Burning Feminists A protest at a Miss America beauty pageant included women throwing away oppressive items, which included some bras but also lipstick, heels, etc. Reporters said the trashcan was lit, but many protestors dispute these accounts. CRACKED.COM


The Civil War’s Death Toll

CRACKED MASS OVER 2% OF AMERICANS WERE KILLED DURING THE CIVIL WAR. 620,000 people died during the war, or around one in four people involved in battle.


Mother’s Day Secret

Mother's Day founder Anna Jarvis spent her final days in a mental asylum. Funding to keep her in there allegedly came from flower and greeting card purveyors who weren't fans of her later efforts to repeal the holiday she created. CRACKED.COM


Celebrity Colognes and Perfumes KISS Her/KISS Him by Kiss The rock band puts their name on everything, so it's not a surprise that they'd make both a perfume and cologne. Oddly, the fragrance contains red peppercorns and wet fig leaves, but not grease paint. KISS HER KISS HER Untor CRACKED.COM

Jamie Lee Curtis

Jamie Lee Curtis VIRUS She says the 1999 horror sci-fi Virus is the worst movie she's ever been in, and that it's so bad that it's shocking.

The Siberian Maldives

Russians pose in front of a toxic lake for their Instagram pictures. GRACKED.COM Called the 'Siberian Mal- dives, the lake is a beauti- ful turquoise color which is reminiscent of Caribbean waters. The lake's color is due to hazardous toxic waste runoff from a local power plant.



CRACKED WE CAN SEE E.T.'S PALS IN STAR WARS: THE PHANTOM MENACE. George Lucas confirmed that 3 members of the Galactic Senate are members of the same species as E.T. This returned the favor, since Spielberg included a Yoda costume in E.T.


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