35 Disruptive Bits of Trivia That Will Yell Their Info From the Back of the Class

You’ll learn more from these than any old chalkboard
35 Disruptive Bits of Trivia That Will Yell Their Info From the Back of the Class

Normally, we’d be rolling our eyes and mouthing a not-so-subtle “shut up” to the class clown facts at the back of the class, but they were actually yelling something of note today. The teacher had her back to the class as she wrote something about the equator, when these disruptive little devils yelled, “Female scorpionflies are wooed by spit and choose a mate based on saliva secretion.”

Ol teach wanted to reprimand them, but she pulled up a chair for more of these random facts instead.

Happy Accident

Thanks to a missing comma, 120 Maine dairy drivers got $5 million. DAIRY The natural goodnes 202 FL80 Oakhurst The absence of a comma in a state law made it pretty unclear if the drivers can get overtime pay, and the judge presiding in their case said the ambiguity must be construed liberally, and sided with them. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Everyone’s Favorite Number

NUMBER FACTS CRACKED.COM A SURVEY ASKED 30,000 PEOPLE FOR THEIR FAVORITE NUMBER. o 9 3 9 C 4 8 8 1 2 2 7 4 ^ o 3 9 9 8 3 4 5 4 7 9 8 5 5 6 5 9 6 5 5 4 4 5 ما A 8 c 6 2 1 2 6 3 6 5 9 4 5 7 1 4 7 5 9 9 5 5 9 1 7 8 3 8 9 9 4 4 7 ٤ 1 O 8 ح I 3 L 6 o 8 3 ح 2 2 6 1


Tectonic Plates

Tectonic plates have two gears. continental crust ust lit sd Mant They move at about the same rate your fingernails grow - and that's high gear. NOW Y

The Three-Peat

Pat Riley has made over a million bucks from his ownership of the word, Three-peat. The former Lakers coach trademarked the phrase in 1989 while pur

The Mona Lisa

Disrespectful uses of priceless artifacts Coolest bathroom decoration ever After Leonardo's death, the Mona Lisa was acquired by his benefactor, King Francis I. The French king hung it in his bathroom at the Fontainebleau palace, where it stayed for a bit until the French court was moved to Versailles. Of course, bathrooms were way different, bigger, and classier if you were a French royal. CRACKED.COM

The Mona Lisa, by Leonardo da Vinci


Lord Byron’s Vinegar and Water Diet

CRACKED LOSE WEIGHT THE 1820 WAY-WITH LORD BYRON'S VINEGAR AND WATER. Lord Byron popularized the Vinegar and Water Diet in 1820, which involved drinking a mixture of water and apple cider vinegar.

CNN / Mashed 

Paedophryne Amauensis Frogs

At 7-8mm in length, the Paedophryne amauensis frog from Papua New Guinea are the smallest known vertebrates on Earth. Here's one sitting on a dime. CRACKED.COM


Holland, Michigan

35 Disruptive Bits of Trivia That Will Yell Their Info From the Back of the Class

Sarah Knauss

Sarah Knauss 119 YEARS CRACKED.COM Her family attributed to her longevity her demeanor, saying she was a calm person who was not surprised by events. When she was told she was the oldest living person, she replied, So what?

Source: BBC

The Sopranos

Sopranos TKe Tony Soprano is Boss of the DIMEO crime family. There is no Soprano crime family. CRACKEDCO COM

Stephen Paddock

bh NEW YORKT NEW The father of Stephen Paddock, the 2017 Las Vegas shooter, was a bank robber who was on the FBI's most wanted list. CRACKED.COM

Mating Rituals

DROOLING BE OVER HER CRACKED COM Female scorpionflies are wooed by spit and choose a mate based on saliva secretion. The male draws her in by hacking up a drippy gift, then reuses whatever's left to romance new conquests.

Source: time


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