40 Hard-to-Swallow Fact Pills That Are Likely to Get Stuck in Your Brainstem

Better wash these down with some smoother facts after this
40 Hard-to-Swallow Fact Pills That Are Likely to Get Stuck in Your Brainstem

Its hard to hear that things you thought were true are just myths and misconceptions. Not to be insensitive, but youll just have to face the facts — literally and metaphorically. See, by reading these, youll literally be facing the facts. Then after each one soaks in, youll have to face the fact that youve been wrong your entire life. 

It seems like this list might be a little tougher than you thought. Take it slow, kiddo.

Old Age in Olden Times

CRACKED Old people used to be rare. Contrary to popular belief, people in the past could live to be quite old. Archaeological evidence and records show that humans have been able to reach their 70s, 80s, and even 90s for the past 160,000 years.


Bathing in Medieval Times

Everyone in HISTORY THE medieval times smelled awful. Actually, they were way into bathing. Contrary to popular belief, medieval people actually lik


Contrary to popular belief, water is not a good conductor of electricity. The basic rule of electric conductivity is that the conductor needs to carry

Potted Plants

40 Hard-to-Swallow Fact Pills That Are Likely to Get Stuck in Your Brainstem

Salvador Dali

Contrary to popular belief, the clocks in Salvador Dali's The Persistence of Memory are not inspired by Albert Einstein's theory of special relativity

Vitamin C

Contrary to popular belief, Vitamin С doesn't prevent you from catching a cold. But it can have some benefits for colds, like reducing their severity or duration - that's the finding of a meta-analysis of 29 scientific studies. CRACKED.COM

Male Emotions

CRACKED.COM CONTRARY TO POPULAR BELIEF, MEN ARE MORE EMOTIONALLY' SENSITIVE THAN WOMEN. In one experiment, when presented with blissful, funny, exciti


A leopard never changes its spots This belief is SO popular that it became an idiom, but leopards do change their spots as they reach adulthood. The


Research on seasonal effects on suicide rates suggests that suicide attempts OCCUr more frequently in the springtime, contrary to the popular belief t


Contrary to popular belief, lighter coffee has higher caffeine content. When coffee is roasted, it loses caffeine, meaning that a dark and robust cup of coffee has less caffeine than a lighter roast. CRACKED

The Shape of Earth

The Earth isn't round. No, we're not about to go all flat Earther on you. It's just that, technically, it's more egg-shaped. Feel free to use that to annoy some science bros. CRACKED


CRACKED Birds have no idea if you've handled their babies. They can't actually smell all that good, so they can't smell you on them. But you can still cause a lot more harm than good, so leave 'em alone anyway.


Blood isn't blue before it's exposed to oxygen. Your veins only look blue because of the way your skin reflects light. Even the upper-crustiest among us bleed the color of sin. CRACKED


Mice don't love cheese. Like us, they actually think the smells of some cheeses are really gross and prefer sugary snacks. Remember what happens if you give a mouse a cookie. CRACKED


CRACKED Goldfish actually have pretty good memories. They can remember things for months or even years. Considering they only live for about a decade, that's probably better than you.


Peeing on a jellyfish sting doesn't help. In fact, it might make it worse. This myth was probably started by someone with a fetish. CRACKED


Drinking milk won't give you strong bones. In fact, drinking too much milk might actually make things worse, so grow up and drink water like an adult. CRACKED


Ostriches don't think they can hide by burying their heads. If you see an ostrich with its head in the ground, it's probably digging a nest or turning its egg. When ostriches get scared, they run away like normal people. CRACKED

All of Our Senses

We have more than five senses. In addition to sight, smell, etc., we have distinct systems for sensing pressure, temperature, pain, itchiness, stretching, balance, where our body parts are in relation to each other-you get the idea. CRACKED


CRACKED It's not dangerous to wake a sleepwalker. They won't be hurt, but they might get confused, and some people get punchy when they get confused, so it's probably best to quietly lead them back to bed.


Sugar doesn't make you hyper. It has a minimal effect at most, so if you find yourself hyped after eating a lot of cake, it's probably because cake- serving events (parties, birthdays, really good baths) are exciting. CRACKED

Alpha Wolves

There's no such thing as an alpha wolf. That only applies to wolves observed in captivity. In the wild, the leader of the pack is just the parent, so if you want to be a true alpha, go nurture some youngsters. CRACKED


CRACKED Toilets don't flush the other way in the other hemisphere. Both hemispheres contain toilets that flush both ways, depending on the design of the toilet. Sorry, The Simpsons lied to you.


CRACKED Chameleons don't change color for camouflage. It's usually to regulate their body temperature or communicate with their buddies. Some of them can't do it at all. Stop giving them a complex.


CRACKED Science totally understands how bees fly. It turns out you shouldn't get your science lessons from Seinfeld movies. The idea that bees shouldn't be able to fly according to the laws of physics is outdated by about 100 years.


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