39 Random Bits of Trivia We Carved Into an Old Oak Tree Some 50 Years Ago in Our Youth

Facts as true today as they were way back when
39 Random Bits of Trivia We Carved Into an Old Oak Tree Some 50 Years Ago in Our Youth

A good fact will stand the test of time. No amount of digging can transform it into a myth. Take this list for example, our Cracked forefathers found and jotted down some of these facts over 50 years ago. We tossed in a few newer ones for you youngins, but old or new, they’re still true. 

Ooh, that’s a great slogan! Fifty years from now, the newbies around here can add onto it — and hopefully still use that sweet “old or new, they’re still true” line.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKED.COM Third-world country doesn't mean poor country. RUSSIA CANADA BONKOLIA UNITED STATES CHINA KOREA Libre SAND - - - - BRAZIL AUST During the Cold War, the countries allied with the U.S. were the First World, while those in the Second World were with the USSR. If your country was neutral, rich or poor, that made it Third World.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKED.COM Shops used X-rays to check the fitting of shoes. Sure, just trying on the shoe is often enough, but using a shoe-fitting fluoroscope was undeniably cooler. Too bad that people in the '30s didn't understand how stupidly irresponsible and dangerous this was.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKED.COM China publicly shames people in debt. 2002 and If you're Chinese, you'd better not fall behind in paying your debts. If you do, you'll see your name and face on giant screens-like in the theater, right before a movie. Millions of deadbeats are tracked and shamed by the government.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKED.COM Being a camera operator is deadlier than being a stunt performer. Movie stunts are quite risky - especially for the people getting them on camera. When stunts go wrong, four camera operators die on average for every dead stunt performer.

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Princess Leia's buns were inspired by Mexican revolutionaries. George Lucas wanted to create new and different fashion, so he went with a kind of Sou
Source: TIME

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

DISNEY PAID SNOW WHITE'S VOICE ACTRESS ONLY $970. erso Sou NSue 2Whutc DC1114 THE FILM MADE MILLIONS. The film didn't credit Adriana Caselotti, and sh

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

SOUR PATCH KIDS were originally called Mars Men during the UFO craze in the 1970s. sou SOUR PATCH vids: BRE mareyLy The name change didn't happen un

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Fingernails on a chalkboard make you crazy? Your brain might think you're in danger. Scientists: noted that the frequency of annoying high-pitched sou

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Seat belts were very controversial when they first appeared in cars during the 40s and 50s. CRACKED COM Many argued that they caused injuries and didn't work, no matter how much researchers disputed these claims. Many people refused to wear them and even cut them out of their car seats.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

A high school student was suspended in 2015 for an over-the-top promposal. CRACKED.COM Ibrahim Ahmad strapped fake explosives to his body and asked a girl to prom with a sign saying I know it's a little late but I'm kin- da the bomb. Rilea will you be my date to prom? She said yes.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Technology from the 1950s can generate energy with far greater efficiency than any current power. GRACKED CON Conceived during the Cold War, a mol- ten-salt reactor for- goes solid nuclear fuel for a liquid one, mol- ten fluoride salts.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

For hundreds of years, December 25th was not the birthdate of Jesus Christ. CRACKED COM The 25th of December wasn't the official cele- bration date for the birth of Jesus Christ until Pope Julius I, bishop of Rome, proclaimed it so in 350 AD.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

A former soccer player conned his way into a 20 year career without playing a single game. CRACKED.COM Carlos Kaiser Raposo used every trick to dupe his clubs' coaches, team-mates and fans to live the dream as a globe- trotting pro for two de- cades while barely being able to kick a ball.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

A single scientist set back AIDS research out of spite. CRACKED.COM Researchers sent over a sam- ple to the National Cancer In- stitute when they realized American gay men and Afri- cans in France were both suf- fering from the same disease, but a scientist with a grudge switched out the samples.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

The most decorated enlisted man in the British Army in WWI never fired a single shot. CRACKED.COM William Coltman was a stretcher bearer who won the Victoria cross for charging into fire unarmed and carrying out 3 wounded men on his back.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Only three Mayan books exist today. 8000 9.2 -CRACKED.COM Despite publishing vast quantities of literature, only three of the books still exist due to the Span- ish ordering all Mayan books and libraries to be destroyed for being lies of the devil.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Chickens lay eggs the same color as their ear lobes. While they lack outer ears, chickens still have lobes on the side of their heads. The color of the egg they lay will correspond to the col- or of this wrinkly patch of skin. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

There is a community in Cairo, Egypt that collects trash and recycles upwards of 80% of it. FOOD M& TRIP und 100 GRACKED COM It is nicknamed Gar- bage City and its mostly Christian resi- dents have been col- lecting and recycling Cairo's trash for sever- al decades.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Anyone with a smartphone can change the colors on a 20 story light spire in Stockholm. CRACKED.COM Installed in 2006, the cre- ators of the rainbow-col- ored installation hope that the work can stand as a statement on the power of democracy and the power of the public.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Nike paid the NBA a fine every time Michael Jordan wore their shoes. GRACKED.COM The NBA banned Michael Jordan from wearing Air Jordans because the col- ors didn't match his uni- form. Nike paid $5000 for each game so he would continue wearing them.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

THE ACTOR: Jim Carrey THE ROLE: Col. Stars and Stripes in Kick Ass 2 After the 2012 Sandy WHY НЕ Hook school shooting, HATED IT: Carrey denounced the movie, saying he couldn't support all the gratuitous violence. CRACKED.COM


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

M*A*S*H CRACKED COM In season 1, Col. Blake asks the person on the other end of the radio to give his wife, Mildred, a message. In the next season, during a slideshow presentation, he calls his wife Lorraine.

Source: Buzzfeed 

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

39 Random Bits of Trivia We Carved Into an Old Oak Tree Some 50 Years Ago in Our Youth
Source: NY Times

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKEDcO TUNAARE PONER POPLE S An Italian factory now useS traffic lights for its bathrooms. When you go inside, you flick a switch to change the col
Source: Reuters

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Alaska used to belong to Russia. GRACKED COM It was sold to the United States in 1867. Russia governed Alaska as a col- ony for almost as long as the U.S. has now gov- erned Alaska as a territo- ry and state.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

CRACKED.COM A CALIFORNIA WOMAN BOUGHT A JACKSON POLLOCK PAINTING FOR $5 AT A THRIFT STORE. A forensic art specialist helped determine 10625 38.4 W that the painting Teri Horton purchased is THE UNITED -280m W COL an original work by the artist also known - - ISEN 9 as Jack the Dripper. DOLLAR Its estimated value: anywhere from $10 million to $50 million.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

A person can be banished from every county in the state of Georgia except one. 1776 ECHOLS COUNTY This County, created by Act of the Legislature Dec. 13, 1858, is named for Col. Robert M. Echols, for 24 years a member of the General Assembly Не was a President of the Georgia Senate and a Bridadier General in the Mexican WAF And that is Echols County, which is a mostly unpopulated, uninhabitable swamp. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Two Virginia sisters sold a cornflake that was shaped like the state of Illinois for $1,350. GRACKED COM Monty Kerr, the owner of a trivia website from Austin, Texas, bought the cereal flake from eBay, explaining that he was starting a col- lection of pop culture and Americana items for a traveling museum.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

NASA halted an auction of moon dust and dead cockroaches. CRACKED COM The moon dust was col- lected during the 1969 Apollo 11 mission and had been fed to cockroaches to determine if it contained any pathogens that posed a threat to terrestrial life.

US News

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Herschel Walker falsely claims he never falsely claimed he graduated from University of Georgia. GRACKED.COM The former football star, who is now the Republican nominee for a US Senate seat in Georgia, is piling dishonesty upon dishones- ty on the subject of his col- lege education.


Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

A former Harvard instructor and an early advocate of LSD walked out of prison. Dr. Timothy Leary walked out of California Men's Col- ony West, where he was serving a sentence for marijuana possession, and changed out of his prison jumpsuit in a gas station bathroom. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

NY Times 

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

R LATE SH stephen col saved by the Bell stephen colbert auditioned for screech. Yes, Screech was almost the host of The Late Show. CRACKED.COM

Source: Today

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Lucille Ball was actually a very serious and responsible person, despite being famous for playing silly and funny characters. And her natural hair col

Facts That Stand The Test Of Time!

Warren Buffett eats like a six- year old. He loves eating junk food for breakfast and drinks at least five 12-ounce servings of Coke every day. ca-Col


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