12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them

They didn’t know what papa was doing, okay
12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them

Cmon boy! Were going to the Hague!

Robert Mugabe

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


This puppys favorite scent is that of the man responsible for the death of tens of thousands of civilians that dared to oppose his presidency.

Jose Gaspar Rodriguez de Francia

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


What better fur-baby for the man that banned all foreign trade in Paraguay than a Border Collie?

Idi Amin

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


The joy this pup feels when he hears the jingling of his owners many medals on his return home might be tempered if he was capable of understanding the same man was the Butcher of Uganda.

Francisco Franco

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


This little furry friend had no idea how much of a political message he sent every time he chewed up Francos boot. His behavioral issues would have been an inspiration to the people of Spain.

Manuel Noriega

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


Scary guys and adorable dogs is a combination that cant go wrong. Well, outside of Noriegas violent, secret control of Panama.

Mobutu Sese Seko

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


The Golden Retriever is an American classic. Mobutu is another American classic: a dictator installed after the Western-assisted assassination of a democratically elected leader.

Benito Mussolini

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


Dogs love structure and a tight schedule. His dog would probably say something like, “Say what you will, but I always get walked on time.”

Joseph Stalin

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


This puppy likely doesnt share his daddys megalomania and cruelty. He does have a cool mustache like him, though!

Mao Zedong

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


Explaining why this little cutie should be Mao Zedongs dog would probably get me thrown in jail in China.

Juan Manuel de Rosas

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


Puppy pictured here on the farm Rosas was exiled to as punishment for his execution of Argentine citizens during his rule.

Nicolae Ceausescu

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


This puppys head just perked up because he heard the gunfire of his mommy and daddy being executed by firing squad due to their role in genocide.

Adolf Hitler

12 Little Puppies and Which Dictators Would Own Them


Boring, I know, but he cant not make the list. Like Hitler, the Dalmatian is a dog haunted by both obsessions with bloodline purity and myriad health issues.


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