45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Glow Like Fireflies

The number of times Arnold has said, ‘I’ll be back,’ in movies — revealed
45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Glow Like Fireflies

Aw man, just look at these 45 facts, their butts light up like fireflies. 

But did you know that fireflies arent really flies. Theyre actually beetles. That light they emit is called bioluminescence, and its purpose is to attract mates. Just like when you run around drunk with a flashlight on Saturday night. Unfortunately, firefly populations are in decline worldwide. Habitat loss, light pollution, pesticide use and over-collection are all culprits. Theres a firefly sanctuary in Bangladesh, though. 

So shut off the lights and enjoy these 45 facts. Who knows? Maybe your butt will even light up at the end.

Animation on animation hate

Eric Cartman isn't the only one who hates Family Guy. Turms out, his hatred of the show comes straight from Matt Stone and Trey Parker. The duo says they genuinely hate the show and its type of gag comedy.


People in Wisconsin have known this for a millennia

Cheddar cheese is naturally lactose-free due to the natural process of making aged cheese. Liquid whey which sepa- rates from the milk is re- moved. This is why many types of aged cheese like Cheddar, Asiago, Parm and Swiss contain little to no lactose.


All this - and brains, too

MYTH: Wormen prefer jocks to brainy guys. FACT: Women want their men to be smart. Scientists showed college-aged women videos of men performing various tasks, and had them evaluate each man's potential as a long-term mate. What the studies showed was that the creativity and overall braininess of these potential suitors won out over good looks or athleticism.

Tell us about it

Comedians aren't the funniest people. It'd be so fun to hang out with ? They'd just be cracking jokes all the time! Nope. Is your software programmer dad constantly writing code when he's home? And if he was, it'd be annoying. Get a life, Dad! No one wants to hang out with someone who is always on. Comedians are funny because they developed a specific skill on stage or on screen. IMO, the funniest people wouldn't be great performers. They're just quietly witty and observant.

Then they just roll you up in it and set the whole works on the curb

That rug might really tie the room together: but it could kill you. An estimated 3,800 people aged 65 and over die each year from slips and falls caused by area rugs.

It was a cool time to be alive

The Phantom Menace's 2nd trailer was a milestone in internet history. It was the biggest Internet download event in history, (Steve Jobs) and a test of then-new Akamai network tech for heavy traffic- Akamai passed.

Source: CNet

Cold, Newton, cold

Sir Isaac Newton erased his rival Robert Hooke from history. Despite pioneering the experimental method and discovering many elements of gravitational theory first, Hooke never got his due. Newton also lived 25 years longer, allowing him to edit history.


Sadly, he missed out on playing Red Hulk

William Hurt was nominated for an Oscar with less than ten minutes of screen time.

Source: /Film

But it couldn't have predicted his heel turn

Chappelle's Show predicted History Channel's Gangland. In 2003, audiences laughed at Dave Chappelle's skit that had the History Channel covering street gang wars. In 2007, it was no longer a joke.


Tough way to go

Oregon Trail exists because of a nosey roommate. A teacher created Oregon Trail as a pen- and-paper game for a history lesson on westward expansion, but his roommate thought it could be a computer game. You have died of dysentery.

Minnesota Educational Computing Consortium

Fast Company

Eh, might be best we don't know

Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Writing is about 6,000 years old. This means that only 3% of our species' history has been recorded.


And it could sure pick locks

A giant paperclip-like creature roamed the seas 68 million years ago. Diplomoceras maximum was about five feet long, similar to a squid, and hada shell shaped like a paperclip. D maximum's lifespan may have been 200 years, and it grew a new rib on its shell each year.


Slow your roll, Betsy

Popular history credits Betsy Ross, but there's no historical evidence she had anything to do with it. The source of the story is Ross's grandson, who in turn could only point to affidavits from family members.


Everything about Columbus is seemingly a myth

Columbus is the discoverer of America. Actually, he landed closer to Hati. Christopher Columbus actually discovered the Bahamas archipelago and then Hispaniola, land which is currently split between Haiti and the Dominican Republic. He traveled farther south in his later voyages to Central and South America, but never got close to what is now called the United States.

Not a ton to ask for ambulances to be present...

After stuntman Dar Robinson died while filming Million Dollar Mystery in 1987, it became a requirement for ambulances to be on movie sets to make sure everyone was safe.


Well - Columbo can't be everywhere

An estimated 200,000 murders in the United States have gone unsolved since the 1960s.

Source: NPR

He couldn't do this all day

Chris Evans Could Chris Evans be your Mystery Date? One of Evans' earliest gigs performer was to be Tyler in the 1990s board game Mystery Date. Не even made it on the box cover of the game.

Source: People

Yeah maybe don't put priceless gems in the nosecone of a car that goes 275mph

In 2004, at the Monaco Grand Prix, Jaguar Racing put real diamonds worth approximately $250K apiece on the nosecones of its two cars in the race as part of a promotion for Ocean's Twelve. However, one of the drivers crashed on Lap 1 and lost his nosecone - and diamond - sparking a mystery that remains unsolved today.

The Drive

Did they at least vaccuum the rug first?

In February 2021, the body of Nathan Millard, a businessman from Georgia, was discovered in Baton Rouge, Louisiana. It was wrapped up in a rug. The police don't think it was a crime, and they're still trying to figure out what happened.

WSBTV / iStock 

He probably says it three times a day

Arnold Schwarzenegger has said I'll be back in other movies besides the Terminator franchise. Eleven other movies, to be exact.


Hey whatever floats your space boat

Astronauts are really into watching space disaster movies on the ISS. They have movie nights on the ISS, and they watch movies on a screen and projector - they love sci-fi and disaster movies set in space, like Apollo 13.


Bond's a cash machine that doesn't care where the cash comes from

Bond movies have drawn inspiration from Hitchcock, Blaxploitation, '80s buddy cop movies, and Hong Kong action cinema. Moonraker famously copied Star Wars, and of course, the Craig movies would not exist without Christopher Nolan's Batman trilogy and the Bourne franchise.

Source: The A.V. Club

Sure didn't feel it in 'Moon Knight,' bro

Ethan Hawke Не defends superhero movies. The movies that I like are the ones that people put their heart into, he has said. And you can feel it in a superhero movie, or you can feel it in a horror movie, or you can feel it in some arthouse movie.

Source: CBR

No Snakes On A Plane?

Samuel L. Jackson's favorite Jackson movies aren't what you think. It's not, say, a bunch of Tarantino movies - his list of his favorite movies only includes one Tarantino film, Jackie Brown, and movies like The Long Kiss Goodnight from 1996 and The Red Violin from 1998.


Not the kind of thing you want mass-produced

The plates used to print money are hand-made. The dots and lines you see on your money are engraved by hand using very small tools. An engraver can take up to one year to complete a bill plate.

TJ loved his grape juice

Thomas Jefferson had a million-dollar wine habit. Не spent over $1 million per year having that good European wine imported to the states. Impressively, he only died about $100k in debt.


More Ben Stein lies

In the game show Win Ben Stein's Money, money won by contestants was actually paid by the producers. Money left over at the end of a season was given to Stein. If the total amount paid out exceeded that budget, the production company paid the excess. Ben Stein was never in any danger of losing his money.


That's just being Nicholas Cage

$150 Million spent on rich-guy knicknacks. Nicolas Cage has splurged on a private island, a dinosaur skull, 15 homes, two castles, a huge burial tomb, shrunken рудту heads, a Lamborghini, a pet octopus, and the first Superman comic - all adding up to a whopping $150 million.


Not the kind of money he wanted to make

Schindler's List earned almost 15 times as much money as it cost to make. But Steven Spielberg accepted no payment. Calling it blood money, the director instead his earnings to a Jewish foundation.

Starting a sandwich shop wasn't what I was doing at 17

Subway was started by a 17 year-old ... and his family friend who had the $$$. Don't get it twisted, money comes from money.
Source: NPR


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