12 Pictures of Guys With Ponytails and What I Think They Do for a Living

Some haircuts are versatile and able to work with a number of looks. The ponytail is not one of those haircuts. A ponytail is a message, a declaration hanging off the back of your head like one of those streamers towed by seaplanes-for-hire at the beach. It demands attention, and you’re lying to yourself if you say otherwise. The human eye is trained to detect motion, and everyone sees that thing swinging back there.
As such, I’ve used my best deductive skills to look at these several ponytailed men and guess their occupation.
This Guy

Developing a generative A.I. that writes jazz. Both coders and jazz musicians are trying to have him killed.
This Guy

Selling fish bait that he taste-tests himself.
This Guy

Working the front desk at a gym that accepts Bitcoin, drinking a smoothie that looks like a hoarder’s aquarium.
This Guy

You can hire him to test the strength of your marriage.
This Guy

I can tell you what his job is not: reading.
This Guy

Electric bicycle repairman.
This Guy

Moderating a male fashion subreddit, has never posted a photo of himself.
This Guy

Owns a bar that he’ll have to sell due to employee harassment claims within the year.
This Guy

Private equity, but he tells everyone at Burning Man he does “boring money stuff.”
This Guy

Inventing a new kind of electric bass. He has no electrical engineering or fabricating knowledge, but has some drawings to show you if you want to “give feedback.”
This Guy

Currently being sued because the activated charcoal health drink his start-up sold nullified consumers’ anti-depressant medication from being properly absorbed.
This Guy

He’s Native American, and he hates these guys more than I do.