45 Random Trivia Tidbits That Stack Up Into A Trivia Megatron Voiced By Hugo Weaving
Dynamite started out as yellow dye — you read that right

First off, Hugo Weaving, let me say how sorry we are to use what some might say is a very unflattering photo of you in the thumbnail for this piece, but it does scan with the first fact in the set. And really, who better to voice a trivia collection that stacks up into Megatron than the man himself?
So we invite you to read on and hear that rich-timbered voice, not only of Megatron, but Agent Smith and The Red Skull, in your head as you move along, filling your brain with very important information.
Thumbnail Photo: Eva Rinaldi, Wikimedia Commons
Hugo Weaving


'Parasite' the stage play would actually be pretty cool

The Pentagon

At least they're good for something other than obsessing about steps

Student Loans

Didn't even know you could 'leave' the yakuza

All the man wanted was to make things yellow, not sky-high

Way too late

Babies are bony

He probably wrote 'amputated' way too many times


Pretty metal, Italians

Source: History.com
Pigeon gravy?

Source: Smithsonian Mag
The Great Airplane Mode Lie


How refined

The African Grove Theater

Killer Vitamins

If this was the case all of Wisconsin would be dead by now

Free Taco Bell would have led to a mass extinction event


Slayer, anyone?

'The Shadow' movie is a total piece of crap

Sources: CBR, Walter B. Gibson and the Shadow, by Thomas J. Shimmeld
<Grinds teeth>

Pretty rad

Right, so organic hot dogs aren't always better

IRL Benjamin Button stuff

Whoopee, we know


This should have been pretty obvious?

Nontraditional student Dan Harmon

"Ship it, I don't care!"

Also, that ingredient in their 'bread' shared w yoga mats

Source: washingtonpost
Absolutely, well done

Richard Branson’s secret to success: 20 cups of tea daily.

Iceland’s women went on strike in the ‘70s.

Idiots - everyone knows it's flat

Reorienting your poodle paradigm


This is a VERY important detail

This all turned out ok, somehow

We want one

At what speed does the Polar Express go back in time?

"That guy says you're out."