30 of the Wildest Times Identical Twins Abused Their Power

Proof positive that two is always better than one
30 of the Wildest Times Identical Twins Abused Their Power

It’s obviously no fun to be confused for your identical twin when you want to forge your own identity, but when you need a clean urine sample in a pinch? That confusion is suddenly a gift. 

These doubled-up Redditors shared some of the wild ways they’ve abused their genetic predisposition in their favor. Job interviews, breakups, military discharges—you name it, they did it for their other half. There’s even a set of triplets who divided school subjects amongst themselves instead of having to suffer through the full course load of an individual child. 

TemptedTemplar 8y ago A family friend was in the air force and while in boot she became mortal enemies with another woman who would constantly try to one up everyone and win any argument for whatever reason. Our friend found her sleeping around with some other officers a few years later and got her discharged from service because of it. 10 or so years after that our friends twin was walking around town on the opposite side of the country and this woman barges across the street and starts berating her for ruining her life and all this stuff. And
roundstop 12y ago My freshman Spanish teacher had a disease which made it impossible for him to walk. Consequently, he used an electronic cart to get around. Little did the class know that he had a twin brother. Sr. Imposter stood up out of his cart nonchalantly to hand out the grades of the previous quiz, only to sit back down as if nothing happened. The class was dumbfounded. 19 ...
Kage_Okami 12y ago Over here, there's a school, who's principal has an identical twin, who is also a principal. They switch very seldomly, and if you catch on, they'll take you to lunch. + 57 ...
 9y ago I once interviewed a pair of identical twins for a WWII veterans project. One kept telling the other, tell the sweet potato story. After hearing mention of the infamous sweet potato story several times, I became intrigued. Finally, he told a long story of when they were boys one of them got a sweet potato from a neighbor lady (it was the Depression, so this was a treat) and was told to send his brother along and she'd give him one, too. But the first brother just left and came back again and ate another sweet potato.
childtuesday 9y ago Not me but my SO. They went to different colleges in the same large city. Не would go to his brother's campus and eat meals on his meal plan and vice versa. Also use the gym and other amenities. My so had to be careful as his brother's was a smallish college and he would often meet his brother's professors (and one time the Dean) walking across campus and would have to carry on full conversations about topics discussed in class, etc. At least their parents got their money's worth out of their meal plans. 63 ...
 9y ago My brother completely refinanced my student loans (he is in banking) for me and saved me some bucks. Не knows my SS# by heart and looks just like me. Не reminds me often he can steal my life in a heart beat. + 141 ...
WhoDat4ever e 9y ago My brother-in-law takes drug tests for his chronic using twin so he can stay employed. Seems to work out pretty well for them. + 225 ...
HaroldHood 12y ago When we were in high school we had teachers who also happened to be identical twins. One taught math and the other one art (very different, I know). During our Junior year, my brother was failing trig, and I told him I would help him out. We switched classes for the day, and I took his exam. Literally NO ONE knew what we were doing, or so we thought. At the beginning of next week I was in my math class, and the teacher handed back my brother's exam to me, and said nice work. I continued
Supernaturaltwin 12y ago Well recently, I had this speech class at college and I wrote it on twins. I had my identical twin sister dress as me and present the opening to my speech (pretending to be me). Then I walked in and finished the presentation. The look on everyones faces! + 2.1K ...
 8y ago Not an identical twin but married to one. When I was dating my wife, she and her twin sister had a bunch of friends over. I walked over to her and put my arm around her and she leaned into it. I leaned in for a kiss but then she pulled away. I thought, well maybe she's not comfortable with a little peck in front of our friends since we hadn't been dating for too long. Then I scanned the room and made contact with my girlfriend. I looked back in awe that I had my arm
Goldendamo 8y ago Not me but a со worker has two sets of twin daughters. The younger pair are identical and both work at the same McDonald's. The manager often puts one on the pay window and the other on the food window just to mess with customers. + 15K ...
DiepSleep e 9y ago Edited 9y ago Identical triplet here. I was the paper writer back in high school, while one brother took care of the sciences, and the last one helped with math tests or homework. Done it a few times in the freshmen and sophomore years. Decided to end our shenanigans in the later years for academic integrity and stuff.
gocanadiens 9y ago My dad is an identical twin. When he was dating my mom in college, he used to play a game with his twin. Не would call my mom and part way through the conversation hand the phone off to my uncle. My uncle would see how long he could carry the conversation before he had to tap out and hand the phone off to my dad. Anyways, the first time my mom ever said I love you to my 'dad', she was actually talking to my uncle. My uncle faltered, and that was when my mom realized
pigbatthecat 10y ago A professor at my school is a twin. Не got his brother to impersonate him and deliver a lecture on Comedy of Errors. Then the actual professor comes in and proceeds to argue about who should be delivering the lecture. Shakespearean hilarity ensues. 1.4K ...
bulbasaaaaur 12y ago On April fools day one year my twin sister and I switched places in class. Since I never broke the rules I was terrified. But we pulled it off just fine and none of our teachers noticed. Then during lunch my name came over the loud speaker and I was called to the principals office. She told me she found out that we switched spots and that I was going to be suspended. Of course I freaked out and started bawling. Only then did my twin come out from the other room and say April Fools! Her
rk800 . 10y ago My Mom is an identical twin. She and her twin would swap Jury Duty and get away with it. + 1.9K ...
the_pascal_avenger 10y ago My Great Grandfather is an identical twin. Whilst leaving the church on his wedding day they managed to swap. For years my Great Grandma thought that was a photo of her and her husband outside the church on the mantlepiece. About 20 years in he finally told her it was his brother on the photo. + 3.3K ...
Popcorn_For_Dinner 10y ago I have twin brothers. When they were about 12 or 13 my brother Gio was grounded from the computer. My mom was out so he decided to sneak on. Не was wearing headphones so he didn't hear when she came in. She caught him, he pretended to be his twin Dante. My mom doubted herself, called for Gio. Dante, having heard everything, responded, trying to help his brother out. My mom was confused for a bit, but being a mom figured it out. They both got grounded but she admitted she was very close to falling for
ymcameron 9y ago My Dad is a twin and every so often each one would break up with the other's girlfriend. + 3.5K ...
city_of_lakes 9y ago I had a friend who had an identical twin, and they both spent the first month of University (they went to the same school) convincing everybody that there was actually three of them and that they were triplets!! By the time they decided to come clean, nobody would believe them that there wasn't a third of them around somewhere. You can't trick me, I've hung out with Luke countless times!! + 4K ...
bas1 10y ago My twin brother and I go to different colleges. I knew he was coming up to visit a couple weeks after college started, so I didn't tell any of my new friends I had a twin and didn't friend anyone on social media or anything. When he came up to visit, he came right to my room. And we switched for about an hour. It was great. Не said he had an in-depth conversation about the fantasy football league I was in, just using cues he found in the conversation. Nobody had any idea. Wanna real mess
persianversion96 10y ago Edited 10y ago My dad has an identical twin brother; this is his famous story. My family is Iranian, and it is mandatory for young men to serve in the army for a minimum of two years. The do have few exceptions, for example if your eyes are very weak and you can't see without glasses then you don't have to serve. My dad had the weaker eyes between the two of them, so he failed his own exam, he took his brother's I.D. to the army offices and failed the exam again to get his brother
lawebley 10y ago Edited 10y ago My twin brother and I went to different colleges and didn't generally reveal to the friends we made that we each had a twin. One day a group of people approached me in the street, calling me by my brother's name and asking me if I would like to join them in the pub. I knew that my twin brother was already at the pub so I said I'd bet them free drinks if I beat them to the pub in a foot-race, even if I gave them a headstart. They agreed and ran
thurgood_peppersntch . 9y ago My twin brother got me a detention for his dresscode violation and neglected to tell me which resulted in me almost getting suspended. In return, I failed his French test. + 4.7K ...
LuvinMclovin 9y ago My identical twin died. There are some people who knew him but did not know he was a twin. When I bump in to them accidentally they always freak out. + 4.9K ...
greatmikeshark 9y ago While in Iraq, I signed all my legal rights over to my brother. That give him legal rights to my bank account. When my family was in financial trouble, I gave the ok for my brother to take money out of my account. The bank refused to honor the legal document and would not let my brother take money out. Next day he went to the same bank with my passport and took the money out of my account. + 5K ...
nemanavida . 9y ago My brother went to a job interview pretending to be me. I (he) got the job, and I've been working there for just over a year now. + 5.6K ...
city_of_lakes 9y ago I had a friend who had an identical twin, and they both spent the first month of University (they went to the same school) convincing everybody that there was actually three of them and that they were triplets!! By the time they decided to come clean, nobody would believe them that there wasn't a third of them around somewhere. You can't trick me, I've hung out with Luke countless times!! + 4K ...
gocanadiens 9y ago My dad is an identical twin. When he was dating my mom in college, he used to play a game with his twin. Не would call my mom and part way through the conversation hand the phone off to my uncle. My uncle would see how long he could carry the conversation before he had to tap out and hand the phone off to my dad. Anyways, the first time my mom ever said I love you to my 'dad', she was actually talking to my uncle. My uncle faltered, and that was when my mom realized
3 Almost_Pi 0 9y ago My brother and I had a sequence of 10 numbers memorized, so if anyone ever asked if we were telepathic we could prove we were (this was like 3rd grade). + 4.5K ...


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