32 of the Craziest Things People Did as Children

You can’t say it wasn’t an electric idea
32 of the Craziest Things People Did as Children

We’re fearless as kids not because we’re brave, but because we’re stupid and don’t know any better. And so, before our prefrontal cortex can fully form, we do insane things like rig our TV up to the side of the bathtub so we can enjoy a soak and a show. Eventually, of course, we discover just how risky that behavior is and never do it again. 

Along those lines, the former wild children of Reddit have done everything from forcibly removing their baby teeth (despite not being loose) to eating spare change just because. Most of them grew up to realize the error of their ways and practice precaution, but others ended up broadcasting their antics on Jackass.

tek9 12y ago My parents used to tell me carrots are good for your eyesight, so I would eat a few and then do handstands so that the carrots would go straight to my eyes. Repeatedly did this for a few months. 91 ...
TwoMiddleName 12y ago I used to secretly melt crayons onto tin foil and make designs. I used a lighter I found in my brothers room and just melted them all the time. I don't know why I liked it so much. My mom hated it because she said it made the whole house smell like crayons. So I started to sneak doing it. But my mom could always tell because of the smell but I always denied it. + 90 ...
animalpoo 12y ago I accidentally hung myself.....so did my dad when he was my age come to think of it. Natural selection just can't catch a break :p + 129 ...
nitroswingfish . 12y ago Used to hide in the fridge and eat sticks of butter like popsicles. + 105 ...
saladinthegreat 0 12y ago I would hide my arms and legs and head inside my t-shirt, and curl up on the floor of the living room in the mornings. Then, I would sit there, motionless, pretending to be a rock until my parents came in. 58 ...
 12y ago My older brother convinced me that the way to get bad dream out of my head was to kick them out. So every night I would lay in bed and kick myself in the head. This went on for far too long. On the up side: flexibility! + 120 ...
whynotwinforever 12y ago I used to make out with my Ken doll in the bathtub, and then make him kiss my Barbie so I could get really mad at her and 'drown' her. 262 ...
wapaboudouwap - 12y ago I used to bang my head against the wall. It calmed me down, somehow + 145 ...
tonyh322 12y ago When I was a kid I called my mom into the living room because I had to show her something. As soon as she entered the room I attempted to karate-chop our living room table in half...instead I got rushed to the emergency room with a shattered hand. 922 ...
thebendavis 12y ago I used to get up on the bathroom counter and open the mirrored door on the medicine cabinet. I would kneel in the corner where the big mirror meets the cabinet so that I could see my reflections, all 12-16 of them. We would have meetings and discuss our plans. + 1K ...
the_purple_goat 7mo ago I was born totally blind, but I thought nothing of running everywhere as a kid, sans cane. That caused me to slam more than once headfirst into walls. + 8 ...
 7mo ago I wrote my own name with gasoline in our driveway and set it on fire so my name would be in flames. Then my parents just happened to come home 5 seconds later. The look on their faces... + 12 ...
Own-Cantaloupe7090 7mo ago I used to deliberately pull the front brakes of my bike when I first got a BMX crash helmet. So I would flip over the handlebars and hit the ground head/helmet first. I thought it was hilarious then. I wonder now what impact the impact had on subsequent life choices + 20 ...
greatguynoah ОР . 7mo ago my cousin and I would look at child predators in the area and would ding dong ditch their houses. this was in 2008-9 and we were about 9-10 years old. very, very stupid lol. + 20 ...
Madmagican- 8y ago When I was 4 I grabbed the keys to the car, started the car, put it in reverse and started backing down the street I'd thought it was a dream until my parents told me it was real this past Thanksgiving, but apparently I got pretty far 286 ...
loveyourneighborman 8y ago As a preschooler at recess, I became curious what was on the other side of the playground fence. So each day I dug more and more until I had dug enough to squeeze my body under the fence towards freedom. About halfway through, a teacher caught me and stopped me. From there on out, that area of the fence was known as the tunnel. 359 ...
manolid 8y ago At around 10 years old we would wait till my parents went out then take the spare key to my mother's car from where it was hidden and take the car on the expressway and try to max out the speedometer. This happened more than once and we were able to max it out every time. For anyone wondering, the needle would max out at 140 km/h. 371 ...
cahunt32 8y ago In second grade I was playing rough on the play ground with all the boys. My pants ripped and I had a huge cut down my thigh. Not wanting to look like a weak girl I ran to the bathroom, washed up, and filled the hole in with a blue pen ... yup to this day I have a faint tattoo line still 433 ...
R/PLACE SnakeEyes1986 8y ago I know that as crazy as most, but when I was small, I glued my fingers together with super glue. I was curious as to how strong a super glue is, that I tried experimenting it on myself. Turns out, it was strong, and my father had to slice it off with a knife. + 536 ...
amphetameanwhile 8y ago When I was pretty young, all my friends were losing baby teeth and none of mine were even wobbly yet. I felt like i was missing out so I sat underneath my dads trailer and dug out one of my own teeth with a rusty nail that I found. + 667 ...
peasNcarrots8675309 8y ago When I was roughly 4 years old, I would eat dimes and pennies. I would sneak some off of my dad's dresser, climb under my covers, and eat the fucking spare change. + 770 ...
 8y ago I tried to shave my face when I was like 2-3 years old. I think I saw my father doing it and just figured I should do it too. + 863 ...
FrenchTickles 8y ago . Edited 8y ago My sister climbed up a 40ish ft grain bin and just sat on the lid when she was five. Dad said he'd never climbed a bin so fast in his life when he saw her. + 904 ...
sklavko 8y ago When I was 8 or 9 I intentionally stepped on a rake to see what will happen. Obviously, that wasn't very smart move since my whole face hurt as hell and nose started bleeding. For a moment I also thought I knocked out a tooth because I could taste blood in my mouth and couldn't feel my jaw. + 968 ...
stravadarius 8y ago Edited 8y ago This was when my brother was seven, I was five. We discovered my Dad's beer fridge, but thought they were cans of some sort of pop we had never seen before (at least I did, my older brother may have been playing some sort of ill-advised joke on me). We used to love having chugging and belching contests with cans of coke, so my brother challenged me. We each chugged two cans of Coors. It was the worst tasting soda pop I had ever had, and it made me dizzy. Our subsequent bike ride
slumbtimes 8y ago Certainly not the craziest, but when I was maybe 9 or 10, the kids on my block and myself set some leaves on fire near a sewer drain. The trail of leaves along the curb burned like a fuse and a small fire started down in the sewer. Smoke started to billow out of the drain, a few surrounding drains as well as sewer caps on the street. It looked pretty insane. Realizing we fucked up, we ran for our super- soakers and did what we could. It eventually burned out, we blamed teenagers and got away
AS PixelonTV . 8y ago . Edited 8y ago I called the police on my brother for not letting me use the Playstation 2.
Bizmark_86 8y ago I would secretly eat cheese. Like a block of cheese. There were apparently incidents where I would go missing in the grocery store and be found happily eating a block of cheddar in the dairy aisle. Usually with someone laughing at me for being so oblivious to the situation. So yeah, secret cheese and prune juice was basically my diet from 3-6 + 2.1K ...
aubirey 8y ago Grew up in South Africa. In fourth grade, I went outside in the middle of the night to tell off a bull elephant who was keeping me awake by eating the seed pods off a nearby tree. Picture a blonde little girl, gesturing at and berating ten tons of ivory-clad murder machine for waking her up. I can only assume it found my penguin pajamas intimidating. + 3.1K ...
burritobattlefield e 8y ago I used to climb on top of monkey bars and run across them, like full speed, one foot per bar. If I tried that today I'd probably fall and die + 4.5K ...
AthiestBroker 8y ago Once I was out with my gf and was supposed to be home at like 10 or something. Would have been about 15 or so. Around 2am I realized how fucked I was and formulated a plan. How to get my mom to pick me up but not be pissed. My gf lived about 12 miles away from me so walking wasn't an option. Her little brother was hanging out with us. Не was big into karate and shit. So... I had him punch me as hard as he could several times in the mouth. I wiped
gensleuth E 8y ago I took a bath with a plugged in TV balanced on the side of tub. I even changed channels. To this day, I'm surprised I'm still here. + 535 ...


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