40 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like Snorting a Firehouse of Data Into Your Skull

It hurts a lot, but what a thrill!
40 Random Bits of Trivia That Are Like Snorting a Firehouse of Data Into Your Skull

The FBI was so paranoid, they kept a file on freaking Lucy!

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Damnnnn, you spicy little jackasses.

CRACKED VULGARITY HISTORY The first audible curse words in film The 1929 Paramount film Glorifying the American Girl has the first curse words in cinema history. They say damn six times, and jackass twice.

Paramount Pictures


Tired MCU Tropes The final CGI fights Seriously, how many recent average-to-good projects have become bogged down by the usual cacophony of CGI noise? The Eternals, and especially Shang-Chi and WandaVision come to mind. At least the Loki show had a more dialogue-driven ending. CRACKED.COM

The first piece of legislation in congress helped pay for the Revolutionary War.

The first piece of legislation passed by the 1 st U.S. Congress was a 50¢ tariff. The Tariff of 1789 levied a 50¢ ($16 today) per ton duty on goods imported by foreign ships. President Washington signed the act and the money was used to pay off the Revolutionary War debt. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW

US History

Otters have the densest hair in the world.

Otter fur is about 1,000 times more dense than human hair. Sea Otters have the densest hair in the world, up to 140,000 / cm2 hairs. Humans have about 300 / cm2 on their head. CRACKED NOW YOU KNOW


A Disgruntled Tourist Smashed Two 2,000-Year-Old Statues in the Vatican.

An American tourist destroyed two ancient Roman statues in the Vatican. CRACKED.COM The 50-year-old be- came enraged when he was denied a meeting with the Pope, knock- ing over one bust and sending another to the floor as he fled.

ArtNet / Wikipedia


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