31 Hilariously Unprofessional Things Done by Teachers

An actual lesson in hilarity
31 Hilariously Unprofessional Things Done by Teachers

There’s truly nobody more patient than teachers. They’re either keeping teacher’s pets at bay to silence constant whining about their GPAs, or shipping off class clowns to the principal’s office when they get too rowdy. But sometimes the pressure of a challenging classroom can lead to behavior unbecoming of the very person meant to shape and mold young minds. Just ask the Redditor who took away a disruptive student’s gaming console — and brought it home with them so that they could play with it. 

Is that something a professional educator should have done? Of course not, but you bet your ass that the kid never brought it to the classroom again. 

Here are some of the funny, but immature things other teachers of Redditors have done to get back at their annoying students…

Bonzwazzle 6y ago taught in China, i did immature things all the time for the lulz, but i digress. anyway, one time this kid was chucking a bottle of water against the wall constantly. not paying attention to me talking. i picked up his water bottle, and threw it out the door, down to the ground level (we were on the 4th level), turned around and continued writing on the blackboard. all the children applauded and i couldn't wipe the shit eating grin off my face so i just kept my back to them as i wrote and tried to
redmonochrome 6y ago When my mum was at school (around age 9) the teacher scolded her classmate for playing with her hair, and told her not to do it again. When she did it again, he walked up to her with a pair of scissors and cut a chunk of her ponytail off. + 352 ...
rabschaud 6y ago I had to make a new seating arrangement for table groups (31 kids, 8 table groups of 3-4 kids at each). The most annoying and disruptive kid in the class flipped out and yelled loud enough for everyone to hear, Miss X, please don't put me with . I obviously made him sit with those two kids (who are friendly with each other, so they didn't mind). He's miserable and I'm loving it. 14 ...
pppingpong 6y ago I teach English in Japan, general rule is I should only speak English in the classroom (which I break constantly). Most of my students know I can speak Japanese, but if one of them shits me off I just pretend I can't understand, and start talking in rapid-fire English. 32 ...
phisch13 6y ago Not me. But my mentor teacher pulled a Russia and rigged the class elections because she didn't like the kid that won. Probably not even uncommon.
powerslave118 6y ago I made a clown stand in the rubbish bin at the front of the classroom facing the wall. The tip of his cap had to also touch the wall at all times. I carried on with my lesson after in peace... (i wouldn't normally shame a student like that, but we did have a mutal respect thing) 48 ...
shockwave1211 6y ago I tutor to a class after school and after a lot of the students leave I let the kids play Super Smash Flash on the computer. One day during the summer one of the kids was being super annoying, wasn't doing his work, distracting other, even threw a kids lunch on the ground. so when it was time for Smash, i did the worst thing i could think of i turned on high gravity and slow-mo. Не playes kirby exclusively so having high gravity makes his recovery garbage, so i just picked pikachu and spammed thunderbolt whenever
YouBoxEmYouShipEm 6y ago Late to the party, but when we put student work on the bulletin board we would mount it onto a piece of construction paper first. When I had a really annoying kid, I would write expletives on the construction paper with Elmer's glue before putting the paper on top of it. My clear, dried out, hidden secret. 73 ...
 10y ago Mr. Miles really liked birds, but was also psychotically strict. We were taking a test and a whole bunch of geese landed outside our window. Не started jumping up and down screaming OH MY GOD!!! LOOK AT THE GEESE!!! LOOK AT THE GEESE!!! Everyone's heads shot up in shock and he snaps, DON'T YOU DARE LIFT YOUR HEADS UP YOU ARE ALL TAKING A TEST!!!
coopertron5000 . 4y ago At the end of the class, the lecturer said thank you and good bye to everyone, but forgot to turn the screen and mic off, the did a massive fart and a huge audible sign of relief; paarrpp Ahhhh. + 3.8K ...
FinalEdit 3то ago In maths class, teacher with a thick Nigerian accent stopped a boy mid sentence to say you are what the Americans call an asshole which obviously sent the whole class of 12 year olds into utter hilarity. She was right too. 167 Reply ...
WatchYoGurlPussy 10y ago In high school, there was a typical troll who would like to attempt to annoy the teacher. We were watching a video and it mentioned prostitutes so the kid asks, What's a prostitute?. My teacher thinking he is defusing the situation quickly says, Go home, and ask your mother. The greatest of all unintentional burns. + 4 ...
BlueBackedRobin 10y ago My English teacher got divorced while we were reading The Odyssey in class, and put not-so-subtle insults to her on our test. What is the name of the six-headed monster that attacked Odysseus in Book XII? А. Scylla В. Charybdis C. Polyphemus D. Mr. 's ex-wife + 16 ...
skywalker777 e 5mo ago One time another student made a (fairly innocent) joke poking fun at our teachers weight (she wasn't wrong, the man was BIG). Without missing a beat, the teacher turned to her and said, Sure I'm fat, but I can lose the weight. You're ugly, you're always going to look like that. + 45 Reply ...
 5mo ago During recess in fourth grade, I told my teacher that I didn't want to go to recess because I get bit by a lot of mosquitos in the summer. She leaned in close to me and said, You don't have to worry about it. Mosquitos only bite sweet people and your blood is rotten, and laughed.
Honkey_McCracker 6y ago Had a kid steal my pen once. Kids at my grade level don't use pens yet, and the pen was the exact same brand, style, and color that I always use (I teach in a small school and no other teacher uses that exact pen). Kid said that he found it in the hallway. Little shit knew that I couldn't prove that he stole it, so I just ignored him and went on with the lesson. Fast forward 10-15 minutes and I hear a shout from him. Не had been chewing on the pen and it leaked
DemenicHand 6y ago my old boss was a kindergarten teacher for a couple years. Не told me about a certain kid that was always acting up. Killed the class gold fish by pouring something in the tank, etc. during a particularly challeneging day the kid had decided topull his pants down and threated to pee, James said ok have at it, the kid let loose a stream that eventually hit a wall socket and he gave out a short scream when he got an electrical shock. James gave up teaching at the end of that year + 1.1K ...
harlonthefridge 6y ago On a ninth grade choir trip a group of guys got a poker game going in one of the hotel rooms. This was a quintessential fifteen year old boy poker game. Nudie playing cards. Cheap gas station cigars, etc. The ninth grade football coach (on the trip as a chaperone) was right in the thick of it. At some point the choir director showed up with hotel management because of course they did. The coach ran to the bathroom and hid in the shower. The kids in the room got a fifteen minute lecture. Once the coast
Lydia_56 6y ago 8th grade Social Studies teacher who rarely assigned homework actually did assign homework one night, but almost no one turned it in the next day. She had a massive meltdown and yelled, I bet you all did your math homework last night, didn't you?! DIDN'T YOU?!?! and proceeded to take the overhead projector and slam it onto the floor, breaking it in front of all of us. Then she just walked out of the room and didn't come back for the rest of class. + 8K ...
laemue 6y ago I'm big in rewarding the positive behavior and good grades in my class. I for sure don't believe in rewarding the misbehaved students just because they were good for 5 minutes. I use class dollars and a treasure box. As get $20, Bs get $10, and 75-79 get $5. After a test, I'll hand out the money and one day a week, I'll call kids to do treasure box. Treasure box is $20. I have 1 student that is such a pain, but will magically be an angel once he sees something he wants from the treasure
 6y ago I remember my 3rd grade teacher screaming at the top of her lungs I DONT GET PAID ENOUGH FOR THIS because a student she was working one on one with wouldn't listen. + 1.4K ...
RosaPalms 6y ago Gave him the extra point to pass because otherwise he'd have been back in my class the next year. + 1.5K ...
yummygummytummy 6y ago I once told a group of high school kids that if they stopped coming to class I would pass them. These kids, about 5 of them, did nothing all year and made teaching this class impossible. They would play music and have conversations throughout the whole class period. Calls home, referrals to the dean, failing grades did nothing to change their behavior. It was about 2 weeks before they took me up on my offer and they missed the last 5 weeks of class. I still failed those fuckers. + 1.8K ...
took_a_bath 6y ago Wasn't because I didn't like him, but was just annoyed in the moment. I was doing the admittedly annoying thing of holding up the class to wait for the straggler(s) to get their shit together. A kid at the front of the line said something along the lines of if you make me miss my bus, I'm goona whoop you. Instead of writing him up, reprimanding, or ignoring him, I just turned to him a bit and said really? You think you could take me? Не was very small for a 5th grader. I was 6'0 220.
Handsonanatomist e 6y ago I crop dust obnoxious students while I'm walking around the room and lecturing. + 4.3K ...
Yellow-B 6y ago John was a class clown and constantly disrupted lessons. Does stupid things like shouting how he can see a classmate's bra through her uniform out of the blue, or stand up making monkey noises. But it was a public secret John had a huge crush on the girl sitting in front of him. (Constantly playing with her hair etc.) Girl complained she couldn't see the board well one day. I moved her to the front row and kept John at the back. Fk you John. + 4.7K ...
estrogyn . 6y ago I videotaped a student and played it for the kid's mom because she didn't want to believe her child was the problem. + 7.7K ...
LWZRGHT 6y ago When I was teaching, disruptive kid got his PSP out during class one day. I naturally confiscated it until the end of class. Then he did it again. And again. During this semester kid had several written reprimands and was on thin ice with his parents. Around the 5th-6th time he did it, I told him I was forced to write him up for it. Не begged me not to. So I didn't, and I took the PSP home and played Lego Batman that night. And the next night. I kept it for a week I think.
AlteregoCate59 6y ago Moved up a fun (and tasty) lab 3 minutes after I booted my worst ever student. Не missed S'mores stoichiometry in Chemistry. Tough luck,Jesse. + 563 ...
WonderCounselor 6y ago I once caught a student turning in essays I knew her mother was writing... and then her mother blatantly plagiarized an essay. As an opportunity to make up the assignment for a 50% grade, the student (ie mother) had to write a 10 page essay with 15 academic sources (the original was a 3pg essay with 3 sources). I knew the mother would slave-away at the thing, and she did. I can't stand parents like her. + 5.3K ...
queenofthegrapefruit 6y ago I don't know that he didn't like her, but my teacher had a pretty funny reaction for one of my classmates in middle school. She would not stop whining and it was starting to get really annoying. The teacher casually went over to his desk, said he had something for her, and flung a tiny object right into her lap. It was a baby's pacifier. The whole class lost it and fortunately she took it pretty well. The whining eased up for a while after that. + 1.5K ...


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