20 of the Worst Things People Caught Their Parents Doing

You’ll wish it was just finding them doing the deed
20 of the Worst Things People Caught Their Parents Doing

Usually, it’s parents who catch their kids in the act doing things like staying out well beyond curfew or visiting inappropriate websites. Every so often, though, the roles are reversed, and the supposed mature adults are the ones who get caught red-handed. Of course, many of us have endured the horrors of walking in on our parents doing the deed, but parents tangled up in the sheets is hardly the only thing they’ve been discovered doing. 

These Redditors have seen everything from inane acts like refilling a bottle of Vermont maple syrup with Aunt Jemima’s, to more serious stuff like bribing a judge over a murder case. Either way, keep a watchful eye on your parents from now on, you never know what they’re actually up to.

iminsideabox 13y ago walked in one my dad handcuffed on the couch with about 5 officers searching the house. that was a fun evening 4 ...
seal_clubbin 13y ago Dad bends down to fix dvd player; red lacy thong... The horror... 5 ...
ilikenavyblue 13y ago my dad's addicted to gambling. he asked to borrow 20 dollars from me for gas. i recently opened my bank account and put all of my childhood savings into it (about 2500 since i have a HUGE family and they give cash for presents). he spied on my pin code and later stole all of it more. after we found out he's in the casino i checked my bank account and i had a stacking overdraft fee. 6 ...
FWT 13y ago . Edited 13y ago Saw my dad cutting a little blue pill in one of those pill cutter things one night. I asked him what it was and he said it was one of his energy pills. It wasn't until a few years later that I realized it was Viagra. 6 ...
Buck_Furious 13y ago Dad was passed out drunk on the couch one night. I'm watching a movie about while sitting on the other end. Не stands up, whips it out and starts to piss on the coffee table. 30 years later this still haunts me. 9 ...
macgeekgrl 13y ago Came home one night with my boyfriend, heard sounds from my mom's bedroom - it I could tell she was on the phone with someone, and it sounded like she was crying. My bf and I both thought something terrible had happened. Knocked on her door and yelled to see if she was ok. She started giggling and shouted back, I'm fine, I'm fine - go to bed. I was halfway across the apartment before it dawned on me what was going on... + 11 ...
Smileyface3000 13y ago I was helping my mom flip their mattress, found my dad's porn under his side. If that's the worst thing I've found/seen/heard, then they're pretty sneaky, I guess. 14 ...
coronaride 13y ago I caught my father inadvertantly decimating his and my mom's retirement portfolios trying to commit insider trading off of some bullshit information. 18 ...
stupid_mans_idiot e 13y ago My mom talks shit about me to all her friends and lied about where I was to everyone when I spent a summer living with a girlfriend in another state. + 23 ...
illmoney 13y ago Parents are divorced was at my dads for the weekend but forgot my ps3 at my moms. Went with a buddy ad we walk in, it reeks like pot. I go upstairs to get my ps3 and when I walk back downstairs it smells like nothing but orange air freshener. She's standing by the door when I'm leaving and tell her I love the new air freshener and wink. We drive about 10 minutes in silence and my friend suddenly says  were your parents chiefing? Then we just started laughing hysterically because we too were blown
 13y ago Walked in on my Dad selling 2-3 lbs of tomato plant seeds from his tomato garden in the basement. It was a secret, because they were the best tomato plants in Canada. I was mortified that my Dad would tell tomato plants and how did I not know about it? Не had a secret room in our house that I didn't know about and sold the tomatoes to be able to pay for me to ski race. Fucking love you Dad. 121 ...
 13y ago I caught my mom drugging my food when I was younger (with xanax.) That's the only thing I caught her doing. She does crazy shit all the time, but generally she is open about it. 133 ...
MrAkai 13y ago When I was 12 or 13 I was home from school (can't remember if I was sick or weekend or what) and I picked up the phone in my room and heard my dad say I love you to a woman who was not my mother. The divorce was a few months later.... + 162 ...
narcolepsyinc 13y ago When AIM was still popular, I put a link on my away message that took people to a how far have you gone sex questionnaire that, when completed, told the taker that it was a prank and then I was sent all of their answers. It was hilarious until my mom took it. 273 ...
 13y ago I rode horses competitively as a teenager. I drove off for the barn one morning and realized i i had forgotten my bag with some stuff in it, including a riding crop. I came in the front door to find my parents had... integrated it... i'm kinda scarred.
DementedPacman 13y ago I walked in on my dad wanking to porn. I recognized the site and knew the video as one of my favorites; I've never gone back to it + 286 ...
Trackpad94 E 13y ago I once caught my father filling an empty bottle of '100% pure maple syrup' with Aunt Jemimah's. No joke, cheap bastard. + 734 ...
u/ l'andrewsmith1986 0 13y ago Burying my dead puppy. + 211 ...
shirebrew 13y ago Mom would open my mail when I was younger. She thought it was no big deal. I still cannot forgive her for doing that. + 94 ...
ojolejano 13y ago My dad was bribing a judge, like it's no big deal, over murder case. + 158 ...


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