12 Pieces of Trivia to Put Under Your Pillow for the Trivia Fairy

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12 Pieces of Trivia to Put Under Your Pillow for the Trivia Fairy

Its the same person as the tooth fairy, she just also enjoys trivia.

J. Edgar Hoover’s Weirdest Fear

12 Pieces of Trivia to Put Under Your Pillow for the Trivia Fairy

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As the head of the FBI, Hoover probably had plenty of reasonable fears, but he also was famous for an unreasonable one: He ordered his aides never to step on his shadow.

The First Host of ‘The Tonight Show’ Is Its Least Famous

12 Pieces of Trivia to Put Under Your Pillow for the Trivia Fairy


Despite being its first host and creator, Steve Allen’s brief three-year stint as the host of The Tonight Show isn’t nearly as well-known as the hosting stints of Johnny Carson and Jay Leno.

The First Cave to Become A National Park

12 Pieces of Trivia to Put Under Your Pillow for the Trivia Fairy


Think of a national park, and youre probably imagining trees and picturesque expanses. In Wind Caves case, however, it also includes a massive underground cave system, the first cave to be protected as a national park in 1903.


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