21 Little Annoyances We Really Shouldn't Have to Deal With Anymore

We don’t really appreciate enough how far society has come in such a short period of time. Ten years ago, we could only dream of a centralized system for getting any food delivered as easily as a pizza. Twenty years ago, the idea of a handheld supercomputer that also happens to make phone calls was a technological pipe dream. A hundred years ago, most of you barely had any rights. Go back any farther and it gets real bleak, so be glad you live when you do.
But no matter how much we progress as a society, there are little problems we still have to put up with. While our best and brightest are focused on going to Mars and curing diseases, the realm of everyday annoyances has been ignored, because there’s just not a lot of glory in the “better twist ties” industry.
Which is why when user kabkar1234 asked r/AskReddit, “What’s a small, everyday inconvenience that you believe should have been solved by now?,” their fellow Redditors really couldn’t stop complaining.