31 Hilarious Parenting Hacks

‘My mom would literally change the clock to show our bedtimes’
31 Hilarious Parenting Hacks

Attempting to reason with a child is a fool’s errand. Instead, your best bet is to alter their reality, which some people refer to as “lying.” One Redditor remembers that their mom would change the clock so it was bedtime, which is simple and genius. Another Redditor also takes advantage of a child’s inability to understand time, saying that “up until they understand a calendar, a kid’s birthday is always on a Saturday.” 

Other Redditors have shared the ways they’ve made parenting a little easier for themselves, and if you have kids, these tips might keep you from losing your mind.

sweetcarolinekisses 5y ago If they are cranky, put them in water. I have teenagers, this is still the method that I use. Even having them wash their hands or face does wonders. To be fair, I do it with my husband too. So really, I guess it's just works for humans. + 3.6K ...
 5y ago Let your baby watch you fall asleep. If it's their bedtime, don't play on your phone or read a book. They are following your lead. So be boring, close your eyes, and be still and quiet, and they will learn to, too. + 2.3K ...
 2mo ago Teaching your 6yo daughter how to throw a proper punch then sparring with her for a bit reduced her class room bully who terrorized everyone to a much better behaved young man..... at least around her. 207 Reply ...
ZoltanGertrude . 2mo ago Up until they understand the calendar, a kids birthday is always on a Saturday. 318 Reply ...
TheBasker 2mo ago When one of my nieces is begging for something in the store and is throwing a fit ill say do you want a picture of you holding it so Santa knows you want it? Calms them right down. Kids are stupid. Now please excuse me while I go wishlist these steam games I can't afford. 328 Reply ...
venus_petite . 2mo ago Tell them that the hospital has a 5 year return policy. + 370 Reply ...
Nameisnotmine o 2mo ago Tell them anything you are eating or drinking is spicy. Especially chocolate and ice cream + 342 Reply ...
kittycatsummers 2mo ago It's okay to do little white lies to get your kid to listen. Sometimes explaining it the correct way still doesn't get through for example if your kid has a problem with mooning people, you can just tell them that they'll attract barking spiders that'll attack at the sight of said butt and then boom! No more mooning + 1.3K Reply ...
magicmoonflower 5y ago Dennys is where I teach them restaurant etiquette. Zero pressure & light on the wallet. + 4.4K ...
Bmorehon 3y ago DS Born 10/15/2015 Pretending his favorite heroes/characters had recipes for things like The Flash's favorite Lightning Lettuce TM (Caesar salad) and Hulk Sauce (very plain guacamole), there were lots more along the way but I can't remember them all. Carrots make you jump higher like a bunny, you get the idea. I lied a lot and now have a 6 year old who is a great eater. 92 ...
Greedy_Bandicoot493 2mo ago My niece believed that when the ice cream truck made music it was out of ice cream. She believed it so much she played that way with her American girl doll ice cream truck lol she figured it out around 9 years old. 310 Reply ...
 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Trying to enjoy a nice hot cup of coffee? Arm yourself with a baby wipe and threaten to wipe their face, you'll get at least 2 toddler free minutes after they run away. This works until they're about 3. 207 ...
a_pasta_pot_for_enid 2mo ago You're meant to read to your baby often and from as early as possible to help with marriage development. But for a good two years they won't understand what you're saying anyway so instead of the same baby books over and over I just scrolled through Reddit reading posts out loud. + 1.5K Reply ...
lollie85 2mo ago If you want your toddler to do something they don't really wanna do then ask them a question where all possible answers involve them doing the thing. For example, when my kid was in the bath, they never wanted to get out when bath time was over. So I just asked 'do you want to climb out yourself, or do you want me to lift you out? Worked every time + 2.6K Reply ...
MidWestRRGIRL 2mo ago My mother used to tell us the shop wasn't opened for whatever we want if she forgot or didn't want to go. I swear that I wouldn't do that to my children. What did I do? I had to do it once or twice. 365 Reply ...
swayy1141 2mo ago If a kid is upset and crying, have them drink some water it'll make you feel better. They can't cry and drink at the same time, and generally calm down quicker so you can actually figure out what's going on. (Or they realise whatever they bumped doesn't actually hurt) Works great in a class full of 4 year olds. + 548 Reply ...
Yellowperil123 2mo ago If your toddler accidentally touches something hot you have to opportunity to tell him many things in the house are also hot and should be avoided. + 14K Reply ...
zpgnbg 2mo ago Friend at school's parents told him he was allergic to alcohol, which they said they found out when he accidentally drank some as a toddler. They told him he was in intensive care and nearly died. On his 18th birthday, they told him they made it up so he didn't drink when underage. + 7.3K Reply ...
Sharp_Memory e 2mo ago My mom would literally change the clock to show our bedtime. And then she'd be like Oh, ten more minutes til 8:30, see? + 2K Reply ...
Kallyanna 2mo ago I save all my tax office envelopes (they are a distinct colour in the Netherlands) and every time I hear my child swear... he randomly gets a letter fining him X amount from the tax office. Не then hands the money over and I pop it back in his piggy bank when he's not looking It works! + 5.5K Reply ...
Lingonberry_Born 2mo ago I pretended that certain foods such as the skin on steamed salmon and broccoli are incredibly delicious and would ask my kids if I could eat theirs. Other parents found it hilarious that my kids would be begging for slimy salmon skin and be delighted when I gave them cucumbers. + 3.9K Reply ...
Sir_I_Exist 2mo ago When my son was a baby, dude cried like a banshee, and he cried a lot. I was the bath-giver, and it was especially bad in there due to the small space. So I went on Amazon and got myself some noise muffling earmuffs (like what you'd use on a gun range or something) and it made the crying so much less stressful and easy to deal with so I could just focus on loving him without the noise grating my soul. Maybe not that unethical, but I've gotten negative reactions from some people when I told
keyser-_-soze 2mo ago Told our daughter that the kids ears turn red when they lie, but only parents can see it. She would enter rooms with her hands covering her ears, and we knew we were in for a lie lol. + 31K Reply ...
Velociraptornuggets 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago My nephew refused to vacuum so I told him the the thing about the vacuum sucking up ghosts. I said that vacuuming kept houses from getting haunted, that's why haunted houses are so dusty. Ten years later he is still a neat freak and I feel responsible + 20K Reply ...
yamsnz 2mo ago My kid went up 4 reading levels over Covid lockdown - everyone thought I was really putting in a big effort with his reading. Truth is, I just turned on subtitles on the TV. + 7.3K Reply ...
Keljameri 2mo ago If they lie to me, their tongue will turn purple. the hesitation when you ask them to show you their tongue if they've lied. Hack ruined when 3 year old (youngest child) had them all sit in front of the mirror, tell lies, and check each other's tongues. + 2.4K Reply ...
MajorCompetitive612 2mo ago Saw this video on Instagram: When it's past their bedtime, Dad changes the language on the TV to Spanish. When the kid's act confused, he says it must be because you're tired. + 14K Reply ...
2mo ago GentleTina_778 Tell your kid that they snore in their sleep really often, that way you'll know if they're pretending to sleep because they'll fake snore + 13K Reply ...
BabesTina_69_ 2mo ago Ensure your kids won't bother you by telling them to wake you up in an hour so we can start cleaning the house - they will do anything to avoid waking you + 22K Reply ...
False-Impression8102 2mo ago My parents took advantage of my short term memory. They'd give me a toy, wait until the new- shine wore off and I favored others. They'd hide it and regift it and I'd be excited about it again. + 6K Reply ...
Rromagar 5y ago If you have a toddler who likes to get naked when they're supposed to be sleeping you can cut the feet off of footie pajamas and put them on them backwards (with the zipper on their back) and then they won't be able to get them off. + 1.7K ...


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