30 Scary Moments People Had on Vacation

‘I almost drowned swimming in the sea in Costa Rica’
30 Scary Moments People Had on Vacation

vacation is supposed to be a relaxing experience, but it can also be a traumatic one. Case in point: One Redditor almost drowned while swimming in Costa Rica, struggling against the current and getting further away from shore by the second. Fortunately, someone on a kickboard got near them just in the knick of time, and they were able to grab onto them and safely get out of the water

Other Redditors have remembered the times they took a trip and almost certainly needed therapy afterward, including a whole lot of near-kidnappings.

IFistedTux 10mo ago Alanya, turkey. I, female, 25 back then, was solo traveling. Back in those days I had platinum blonde hair and a large chest... It was not a great combo. I could never leave main streets. Every time I tried I was instantly being followed by groups of men. When it became dark I had to use my hotels shuttle service to get from my hotel to the main roads. I found a decent café where I could sit without being harassed... 23 Reply ...
cybersodas 10mo ago 16 years old on a girls trip to London. We landed without any Wi-Fi/international data and got on the wrong bus. 3 am and three young girls trying to find the way to our hotel without any way to look it up. Nothing bad happened but I really felt hopeless and in danger when creepy men would stare at us. Cause we looked really lost and out of place. Thankfully I had a screenshot of the hotel location on Google maps, so somehow my friend found the hotel through that screenshot. 29 Reply ...
MushhFace 10mo ago Partner and I were coming out of Geneva train station and I noticed someone following us. We confirmed by crossing the road and doing a u-turn and they still followed. This bloke was on the phone and had one hand in his pocket as if he had a knife or something. We ended up going into a restaurant and asked for them to call the police, they didn't. Не waited outside the restaurant! We waited for about 10mins, he was still on the phone but once he turned his back to the entrance we made a run
Satansrideordie 10mo ago Egypt, went with an ex and we were all Naive on our first night and was lured into a jewellery shop as the shop keep wanted to show us currency he had collected from around the world. When we went in he locked the door behind us, baring in mind the shop owners would sit outside their shops with machetes this was terrifying. I stood up and barged past him and took his keys and opened the door and that was that but it was horrid + 113 Reply ...
Vaynar 10mo ago Got bit by a snake a few days of canoeing into the Amazon in Manu National Park in Peru. Almost died but got saved by an indigenous antidote that a local village gave me. Have also almost had a couple of fatal accidents mountaineering, including getting HACE above 20,000ft on Ama Dablam in Nepal 76 Reply ...
not a rebot SpiritmongerScaph 9mo ago Was offered opium in Udaipur, India. Took one puff, blacked out and woke up 23h later in my hotel bed. Somehow spent 700$. I'm pretty sure it wasn't opium and I was simply taken to ATMs until my card got blocked. Luckily still had all my organs... So yeah, drugs are bad, mkay? Edit: yes, I was incredibly stupid 27 Reply ...
omfgchella 10mo ago Palermo Sicily. I was drugged at a bar and robbed and the only thing that saved me from getting dragged to a random man's house was the Irish people I was out with who took care of me and fought off the guy that was trying to lure me out of the bar 84 Reply ...
mb303666 10mo ago I got dengue fever in Malaysia and travelled on a train back to Bangkok for my flight in a bone break fever delirium. Got to a Bangkok hospital with extreme pain, sweating, blistering headache and they diagnosed meningitis. They wanted to quarantine me for a month. I called the US embassy and they said wrong test, it probably detected my inoculation. I flew home asap. 35 Reply ...
Mixedstereotype 10mo ago Got attacked by three deranged men with machetes in Da Nang. Many scars and losing a shower worth of blood I survived thanks to the wonderful hospitality and doctors of the Vietnamese. 46 Reply ...
CarelessEquivalent3 10mo ago I had been travelling around Asia for months and money was low. I was staying in a crappy guesthouse down a sketchy alley near Khao San road in Bangkok. The room was tiny, didn't have any windows or A/C. I went out one night and got shit faced on cheap Thai whiskey. I woke up the next morning, pitch black in what I thought was the trunk of a car. I really started to panic and thought I had been kidnapped. I felt around in my pockets, I still had my phone. I pulled it out and
LoopyWaffleman 2mo ago I was taking the train in Milan with my gf at the time and this man sat in front of us and locked eyes with me. Не took a photo of me and after a few moments on the phone, he hung up and he took out a knife and began gesturing to slit his throat, all while maintaining eye contact with me. Не then began yelling in Italian and slammed the blade of his knife into the chair and the window behind him as he got increasingly angry at us for who knows what. We got
GATOR_CITY 2mo ago My diabetic pump died, we didn't have long lasting insulin so my mom and I (13,m)were forced, after trying all other measures to go to the hospital at 1:30 am in Mexico. We got a cab to bring us to an emergency room and after being discharged they sent us to a pharmacy at 3 am to get needles and meds. We didn't speak the language, we didn't know where we were, didn't know where a pharmacy was, ect. Our cab driver was dope. Не kept me distracted while my mom went to get my meds, and
Honey-bee542 2mo ago Got bitten on the neck by a cheeky monkey in a park in vietnam. Did not have any rabies vaccination and i i had to rush to the nearest hospital to get the shot. Scary as hell as i was travelling solo + 948 Reply ...
ipissnapalm 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago I got food poisoning while in Japan. I was with a tour group, in a bus with no bathroom when the diarrhea struck. I had to wait until we arrived at our stop, which was 5 agonizing minutes away. When we finally got out, I had to scramble to find a store that a) had a bathroom and b) wasn't busy to avoid the embarrassment of crapping my brains out. And it's not like anyone spoke English, so that made it harder. It took 10 minutes of me searching all while holding in the
DueEntertainer0 2mo ago When I was 12, my dad took me to the Grand Canyon. Не had bad arthritis and couldn't walk well, so I asked if he wanted to walk down a trail and he said he'd stay put but I could go. I walked down the trail, like a switchback, only a little ways. Then I turned to see if I could see my dad, and was waving to try to get his attention. I kept waving and backing up and waving, then turned and my back heel was right at the edge of the grand CANYON. I
Immediate-Prize-1870 2mo ago Was backpacking on Catalina island with a girls group. Set up camp for the night, then huddled in a tent while a herd of buffalo stampeded right to our spot, ran around the tent, then settled for the night. Just about pooped my pants. Apparently the males are kind of aggressive as they are on birth control for population control on the island. Poor horny souls. 184 Reply ...
DazzlingxAngel205 2mo ago I was mountain biking in Bolivia (on the death road) and stupidly wiped out on some loose gravel. I slid out and stopped right at the edge of a gigantic cliff... so close to going over the edge. I badly bruised my knee but was otherwise okay and able to finish the ride. I am a lot more cautious about my mountain bike trail surfaces now. + 729 Reply ...
SwimmingGun . 2mo ago Me and my mother were having coffee in a market in Nicaragua in 2013, minding our own business sitting right by the road when suddenly a motor bike pulled up at the intersection where a group guys were just chatting, motorbike guys pulled out a semi auto looking gun and shot all four before pulling off 594 Reply ...
H1king33k 2mo ago First day of my first international trip, traveling alone. Went to a pub in London, had a few pints. Walked out the door to go back to my hotel and was attacked by a young man with a razor blade. Не cut open my face down to the bone and then slashed me on the temple. Spent the next three days in the hospital bandaged up like the invisible man, not knowing what my face looked like underneath. When I finally left the hospital I had to borrow clothes, including underwear since mine had all gotten saturated
alizabs91 2mo ago My uncle decided to fuck around on a trail in Yellowstone near some hot pools. Не was walking backwards on the trail and fucking FELL OFF right onto the crust near the hot pools. By sheer luck, he didn't fall through. It was horrifying. I thought we were witnessing a man die. + 1.2K Reply ...
MattThomas0808 2mo ago I got really drunk in New Orleans. Phone died and I couldn't get an Uber. Decided to walk back to my hotel. Could see it from where I was so just started walking. Two women saw me walking and asked if I needed a ride. | said sure. Told them where I was going and jumped in the back seat (obviously Idiotic drunk move). They drove me and I could tell we weren't heading to my hotel. They were acting very strange, making phone calls, stopped at a gas station to get some gas. I was sobering
Psych_Riot 2mo ago Woman next door to me in a hotel was murdered. I heard her screaming Get out of here a lot. Called the cops first and then the front help desk to tell them the situation. Cops show up and start questioning me, asking if I knew her, was in the room, or if I saw anyone else. I didn't know her, never left my room except to answer the door for the police, and never saw anyone else. Turns out she was running from her (ex) boyfriend as he was a known abuser and he finally tracked
liabt 2mo ago On an overnight bus from Delhi to Dharmsala. (I am female and was 26 at the time.) We stopped at a gas station in the night so we could use a restroom. I was the last in line, and when I came out, the bus was taking off and headed back onto the highway. I sprinted after it screaming No! over and over at the top of my lungs. Someone must of heard or seen me and the bus stopped. I truly do not know what I would have done had I really been left behind. +
GoodLeftUndone 2mo ago Pretty simple really. Camping on the beach in Mexico, middle of the night and we are all sleeping. Everyone in our groups tents get robbed. With all of us fucking asleep in them. That's some serious boogyman shit. 1.2K Reply ...
thatoneguy2252 2mo ago Almost died last year. Halfway through vacation I started having pain in my groin/colon after taking my morning dump. Thought it was just something I ate. Several bloody poops and pain like I've never had before later and I'm in the ER at 12:30 am being told they thought I was septic and I had a 104.5° fever. After taking pain meds stronger than morphine apparently I passed out for like 30 min and they thought I was gonna have a seizure and die according to several doctors. Turns out I had several infections from unchecked leukemia.
Rosanna44 2mo ago Lost my baby brother at seaside boardwalk. My family went crazy for about an hour. Finally found him sitting on the bar at outside saloon surrounded by bikers & their chicks. Bowl of popcorn and a tall soda. They were all facing the boardwalk & walking people go by waiting to see if he recognized anyone looking for him. + 1.5K Reply ...
tacosandsushimi e 2mo ago Riding a travel bus along a narrow cliffside road in the Cordillera Central mountain range in the Philippines. + 661 Reply ...
Dram_Boozled 2mo ago I almost drowned swimming in the sea in Costa Rica. I was 14 I believe, and I just remember struggling against the current for an eternity trying to get closer to the shore and my optimism just continuing to fade as it got closer to sunset. For this whole time there was no one with me, and finally someone had come near with a kickboard and I just grabbed them. Freaked them the heck out but hey I'm still here. + 855 Reply ...
DoorstepCult e 2mo ago Went vacationing in Mexico with my family when I was 9. Lost my parents in a marketplace in Cancun and tried to tell a guy I was trying to find my family. Не told me he'd find me a new one, moments before my father arrived. + 4.6K Reply ...
Dependent_Airport_83 2mo ago I was with my family in Jamaica when I was 16. I was swimming in the ocean with my younger brother when a local man literally grabbed me and started swimming me out to sea towards a boat with other men on it. Не kept saying I was going to be his American girl. Не got pretty far out before my brother was able to get help from other adults. It was terrifying. 143 Reply ...


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