25 of the Wildest Things Seen by Doctors

‘A dozen Barbie doll heads that caused an intestinal blockage’
25 of the Wildest Things Seen by Doctors

Doctors receive a healthy salary to witness the messed-up things that happen to our bodies, but there isn’t enough money in the world to see what happens when a guy swallows “about a dozen or so Barbie heads that caused an intestinal blockage.” Same for finding out that the guy “swallows them all day long as a fetish,” and that “when he excretes them, he washes them so he can re-swallow them.” 

On that incredibly disturbing note, more medical professionals have disclosed the craziest things they’ve witnessed while on the clock, and we wish we could see X-rays of the guy who drank mercury. 

WishlWasYounger 3y ago About a dozen barbie doll heads that caused an intestinal blockage. Guy swallows them all day long as a fetish. When he excretes them he washes them so he can reswallow them. + 53 ...
dasnotpizza 3y ago Omphalith. People, especially older people, get a build-up of gunk in their belly button that looks like a black rock. Every time I see it, I have to resist the temptation to pull it out. One time I tried, but it's kind of stuck in there. + 48 ...
pro_nosepicker . 3y ago Pulled a lego out of someone's lung once. 47 ...
 3y ago A glass jar Yankee candle in patient's rectum. Still have the X-ray pic of that. Still my favorite story. 84 ...
jefferson987 5y ago I once had a patient come in with large calluses on the front of his ankles, which is a very unusual place to get calluses. I brought it up a few times because I thought maybe he was wearing his shoe wear improperly, but he kept waving off the question. Eventually I got him to admit that the calluses are there because he recently started taking a prescription anti-depressant medication which made it very difficult for him to achieve orgasm. Не found that if he lay on his living room carpet With his legs bent out beneath
tigerJeff Зу ago Urologist here. In training we had a repeat ER patient who always came in after sticking things into his bladder. Не had previously cut off most of the shaft of his penis and now he could put things in far enough to make it into his bladder. Не would stick gauze, pens, and the strangest was probably a plastic spork. Не did this so often we stopped taking them out as long as he could urinate. + 1.4K ...
phenerganandpoprocks 5y ago Nurse here: had a patient accuse me of shitting in her bed, and threaten to sue me for malpractice. Key note: she never got out of her bed. + 8.3K ...
littlepoot 3y ago I'm an anesthesiologist. One time, I was in a laparoscopic cholecystectomy (gall bladder removal with scopes) on this guy from South America and when they put the cameras in, there was just this little, white Lima bean-shaped object hanging out in his abdominal cavity. Wasn't attached to anything or in an organ. It was just...there. They sent it for pathology, but I never heard back on what it actually was. The rest of the surgery was pretty ordinary. + 448 ...
chalk_in_boots 3y ago My paramedic friend once had a geriatric woman whose toothbrush had become embedded in her cheek while brushing. I've seen the photos. It's not pretty. 107 ...
 12y ago I used to be a nurses aid. I once had to put a very obese woman on the bedpan (she was only mid 40's) and I left. She put her call light on and when I answered she said she was all done. I turn her on her side to remove the bedpan only to see that it is empty. My first thought was that she had been mistaken about having pooped. But then I look and realize that her ass cheeks were so massive her entire dump couldn't make it the length of her cheeks and
pyruvste 2y ago Edited 2y ago Paramedic here. Guy came into the ER with both foot bandaged and two bags in his hand. Не told us he was mowing the lawn barefoot when he amputated all his toes. Не then picked up 9 of the 10 toes (the 10th was eaten by his dog), put them in two separate bags of ice, took care of his wounds and drove by himself to the ER. We accomplished sewing back all of his 9 remaining toes. Edit: of course only the remaining 9 toes 320 Share ...
ImTheRealJesse 2y ago We had a suicidal guy on base that decided to stab himself in the abdomen with a katana, he figured if he was meant to live he would live and if he was meant to die he would die. Не missed every organ, had about 20 external stitches and was sent home the same day. It was a clean stab, through and through. Не showed up at the ER with the sword sticking completely through him. + Share 1.7K ...
File_Puzzled 0 2y ago . Edited 2y ago Bulb inserted through the anus by 16 year old male. (Not an assault but self experiment to get pleasure) 300 Share ...
Deary_Me 12y ago I can remember what thread it was, but some rookie posted something along the lines of this; A 70-something year old woman came into hospital with extreme abdominal/vaginal pains. So they first did a physical exam by pushing thier fingers into her vagina to see if anything wasnt right inside. Well, as he pushed his fingers through, they stopped at a wall just a centimetre or 2 within. Не was so confused to why the depth of her vagina was so small. They other 2 doctors also examined and were just as confused. The ended up doing
HydrocarbonHearsay 2y ago Not me, but a doctor friend. Woman came into the ER with a blanket over her, everyone assumed she was breastfeeding a baby. ..... turned out everyone was right except it was a RACCOON. + 987 Share ...
 2y ago Nurse here: a guy who let his dog lick his diabetic ulcer on his foot because the dog liked it. Не got a nasty infection, led to sepsis. + 1.6K Share ...
Officer_Hotpants 2y ago Medic here. Went to a rural hospital for a clinical day (as opposed to my usual inner city trauma center I work in, which is a different brand of crazy) and we had to get an eyeball out of a woman's vagina. Apparently she was getting ready for a fight, and needed to keep her prosthetic eye safe. So obviously the best way to do that is to pop it out and stick it up in nature's pocket. Well it turns out that both the object and its container had enough lube to make it very difficult
FrodoLaggins1 2y ago My wife worked in the emergency department. A guy came in with life threateningly severe sepsis due to injecting his arms and legs with plant fertiliser in an effort to grow his muscles. You can't make that shit up. 560 Share ...
butttwhyyyy 2y ago Patient came in with worsening lower limb ulcers and had been dressing them himself. Very poor social circumstances, poor self care. The stench was bad enough before the homemade dressings even came off, the kind of smell that sticks to everything. Once the dressings were taken down and the worst of the fumes were released, we hoped it was uphill from there. We were wrong. On closer inspection of the wounds, it somehow seemed it was moving. Tiny yellow maggots. Hundreds of them, dipping in and out of the flesh. Sterile maggots can be used therapeutically in
CompetitiveMap1 2y ago Removed 14 lbs of infected flesh from a man's groin including the scrotal sac. Не refused to believe he was diabetic but had stepped on a small carpet anchoring nail and didn't feel it. The only time he could figure it happened was when he recarpeted his house about 10 months prior. The filth from years old carpet got lodged in his foot and coursed up his leg. We saved his testicles at least by sewing them up into his abdomen, but as you can imagine, we only slightly prolonged his ability to need them. Share 749
niriz 2y ago Edited 2y ago Honestly so many things that I wouldn't even bat an eye at anymore, but people in the general public always get a kick out of things like: - Shaving cream can up ass - mechanical pencil up penis - А metal ring stuck around penis, and the emergency department didn't actually have the equipment to cut it off, so a jeweler was called - plastic baggy of drugs up ass - someone who had a fetish for self amputating their penis - someone was stabbed with their guts hanging out by a friend, but the friend was there?? And they
bearlyhereorthere 2y ago 8 inmates from the local jail injected themselves with another inmates vomit because he'd had his methadone a few minutes before. All injected with the same needle might I add. I guess the most interesting thing was seeing how quickly injecting vomit can make one septic. From injection to onset of sepsis was remarkably quick... Less than 4 hours. To add insult to injury, 1 had HIV, 2 had Нер с and the other had Нер В. We didn't bother working out the order of injection and just tested them all. Another story... Someone had a dart
DrLaZone 2y ago 450lbs woman bleeding from the belly button, which was obviously a very deep innie. I resorted to a large speculum to visualize then cauterized the bleeding vessel. + 1.5K Share ...
ConferenceCreative89 2y ago Baby was born in a small village with all her bowels and stomach outside of her body( (gastroschisis) Mum wrapped the baby up in a swaddle and mum dad and baby walked 8hours to the nearest hospital Caused quite a ruckus in the emergency department triage counter as they couldnt speak the local language and had to open the swaddle to sjow the triage nurse what they meant But all was well, Baby survived and went home well + 812 Share ...
scromboid 3y ago I had a patient with a potato in his ass Also a guy who drank a glass of mercury. The Xray was amazing, looked like a weird poop galaxy. + 46 ...


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