12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking

C’mon guys, it’ll take one second
12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking

Theres a bench right there! Just wait for me!

Bubble Wrap’s Unexpected Origin

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Bubble wrap was invented by accident while Al Fielding and Marc Chavannes were working on a textured wallpaper. Something bubble wrap wouldnt be great for, outside of maybe a cut-rate asylum.

Easter Island’s Easter Connection

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Ever wonder why Easter Island is called that, since none of those heads look anything like Jesus? It received the name Easter Island because the Dutch first landed there on the day of Easter.

The First Ever Medal of Honor

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Was awarded in 1861, during the Civil War, to Bernard J. Irwin.

Earth’s Surface Has Weirdly Delicious Terminology

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Its hard not to think at least a little about pie when you know the Earth's outermost surface is called the crust. That triangular illustration that looks exactly like a piping hot slice doesnt help either.

Why Plants Have Caffeine

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Given that they dont generally have deadlines, ever wonder why plants produce caffeine? The answer is that its a very effective natural pesticide.

For One Year in the 1940s, Pennies Were Silver

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Because of the need for copper in World War II, in 1943, a run of silver steel pennies were produced by the U.S. Before you go breaking your piggy bank, no, they're not that valuable.

Zeus Didn’t Make His Own Lightning Bolts

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


Though portrayals usually show him magicking them out of thin air, the mythology tells a different story. Zeus bolts, according to legend, were weapons individually smithed by the Cyclopes.

A Peach’s Alternate Name Is Both Fancy and Confusing

12 Trivia Tidbits That Are Stuck in Your Shoe, But Your Friends Won’t Stop Walking


At one time, peaches were known as “Persian apples.” Were they native to Persia? No. Cultural accuracy just wasnt a concern in the past.


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