35 Extreme Lengths Introverts Have Gone to Avoid Other People

‘I moved to Japan’
35 Extreme Lengths Introverts Have Gone to Avoid Other People

Introverts are some of humanity’s strongest soldiers. Every day, they have to wake up and deal with the rest of us, which is no easy task. It’s why some of them have come up with alternatives like taking a paycut to avoid dealing with customers or actually disappearing into a hedge like Homer Simpson. One guy even volunteered for deployment to avoid going to a wedding. Now, that’s commitment. 

Anyway, if you’re an introvert in serious need of new ways to avoid people, boy is this the article for you. Keep reading, and stay strong out there.

thegreencomic . 7y ago Going to a gym at 2am, seeing that there's one person inside, and waiting in the parking lot until he leaves. 252 ...
chikenjoe17 7y ago Learned german. Don't wanna talk to that random stranger who trying to sell you something? Say a few lines of german and they'll go away. 985 ...
 7y ago Some painters were in our apartment and my mom and brother were moving things around. I went inside the restroom because all I can think of is how do I avoid them. 1.4K ...
buddykat2 0 7y ago I ate only a box of Nutrigrain bars in my dorm room over the course of a week because I was too uncomfortable to go to the cafeteria when I first went to college. 1.5K ...
myhumandisguise . 6y ago The postman was knocking on my door, so rather than answer it, I decided to army-crawl passed the door (so he wouldn't see me through the frosted glass). Then he pushed open the letterbox, and saw me splayed across the floor. 37K ...
 6y ago Telling the pizza guy through a cracked door that I didn't order pizza just to avoid talking face to face was my low point. 1.9K ...
scarlettdame 6y ago Saw a coworker from my new job at the bus station. Couldn't bear the idea of the awkward chitchat so I hid round the corner, figuring I'd get the next bus as I knew I had enough time The next bus didn't turn up and I was late for work 581 ...
Jesmasterzero 6y ago Choose to have my parcels delivered to a collection point that I have to drive to rather than risking having to speak to my neighbours. 640 ...
Apollow_FR . 6y ago Fake sleeping up to a point where you actually fall asleep 305 ...
I-am-L 7y ago I have been driving a mile to other gas stations for about a year now to avoid going to the 7/11 3 minutes away from my house walking distance because I don't want to make small talk with the cashier who works there. 2.6K ...
AishlarSnow . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I sat in my car for a half-hour in ninety- something degree weather because I was too nervous to spend lunch in the work breakroom or sitting in a fast-food joint. My car didn't have air conditioning.
cromargaretas 6y ago . Edited 6y ago my roommate threw a party at my house and i hid from everyone. there's only one front door and everyone would see me if i left and would want to talk to me. i avoided eating that whole night because i didn't want to walk by the party to get food. my car was trapped between other cars. i ended up jumping out of a second story window and walking 3 miles to a 7- eleven 19K ...
toogroovytoo . 7y ago I dropped a class because a guy asked me out. 2.2K ...
ColonelKick . 7y ago I volunteered for a position in another country where I don't speak the language so I could avoid conversations with my coworkers. 3.1K ...
blue-and-bronze E 6y ago . Edited 6y ago Rather than associate with my nosy aunt when I lived with her, I told her I was going out for a while, moved my car up the street, and sat in it watching Netflix on my phone for a couple hours.
Stijakovic 6y ago Back when I had roommates I didn't know very well, I'd spend all day in my room without meals to avoid awkward pleasantries. Then I'd get really hungry but the prospect of explaining why I'd spent all day in my room kept me inside. Then they'd text me and ask if I was okay, and I'd say Yep! Just keeping busy with some projects. And they'd ask if I'd eaten anything since they hadn't seen me, and I'd say Yep! Trust me, I'd never go without food! Then I'd wake up at midnight and steal my own
 6y ago I went to an empty room and stood in the dark for 45 minutes to avoid a team bonding event 24K ...
Xygen8 6y ago Getting off the bus at the wrong stop and walking because I pressed the stop button too soon and didn't want to tell the driver. 42K ...
BadDadJokes 6y ago I wear headphones all the time. Even if they're off/not plugged in. I'm so much more productive at work, people at the gym let me be, and people on the street leave me alone on my walk home. 13K ...
archertom89 e 6y ago When I was in the military I volunteered for a deployment to get out of going to a wedding 4.5K ...
 4mo ago I got a Ring doorbell just so I can check who is outside before I leave my apartment I don't want to bump into my neighbors 26 Reply ...
Imaginary_Chair_6958 . 4mo ago I saw a former friend walking towards me, I didn't want to talk to them, so I quickly crossed the busy street to avoid the awkwardness. Was it rude? Yes, probably, but I really really didn't want to have that conversation. 26 Reply ...
Chaz-in-NE G 4mo ago When I remarried and moved to her home, I left no forwarding address and told nobody. I just ceased to exist. 47 Reply ...
1999Falcons . 4mo ago I will stop going into shops if the people working there get to know me and want to chat. 156 Reply ...
CaptainCckBlock . 7y ago Changed positions at work to a position where i make less money over all to avoid talking to guests 9.9K ...
 7y ago I would just chill in the bathroom during lunch all throughout like eighth grade 4.8K ...
Ohaiyogozaimasu 7y ago I was driving up to the store, saw someone I knew walk in, I didn't even stop. I just kept driving to another store. I didn't want to do small talk with them. And I knew it'd be a lot of small talk because something new just happened in their life that they'd bring up and want to talk about. 3.9K ...
PMme_YOURSHOES . 7y ago I've scaled wet, steep and slippery rocks when hiking just to avoid small talk with the people on the actual path 5.7K ...
logicbeans 7y ago My roommates decided to have a random study party, with like 20 people in our apartment that is only 800 sq feet. Because of the unexpected intrusion, I got into the router settings and throttled the internet to dial up era speeds. When my roommates were trying to figure out what was happening, I told them we simply had too many people splitting the bandwidth and in annoyance they all left for the library. Best eight hours of silence ever. 6.3K ...
tamati_nz . 7y ago 0 Edited 7y ago Friends husband pulled a 'Homer disappearing backwards into the hedge gif' move when he was trimming the hedge and people came to visit. Doubly awkward cause they saw him do it and he just stayed in the hedge.
 7y ago My grandfather has died like 15 times to get me out of social engagements. What a champ. 14K ...
 7y ago My roommate is very talkative. She'll talk at me for hours on end if I let her. Sometimes when I'm not in the mood for it, I'll hop in the car and drive until she goes to bed lol 5.4K ...
bellow_whale . 7y ago . Edited 7y ago I moved to Japan because you don't have to make small talk with strangers ever. 20K ...
Birdman_the_third 7y ago Put duct tape around the top and bottom of my dorm room door and taped over the peephole so no one could tell if my lights were on from inside the dorm 9K ...
magicbullets 6y ago Edited 6y ago Hid under a bed while a real estate agent showed a couple around my flat. Couldn't be bothered to go out but can't stand small talk, so decided to lay low. I had a cup of tea, cushions, a Nokia with Snake on it. I was quite happy under there. They were 25 minutes late. I guess I was under the bed for just over an hour. I feared a sneeze. I was in my early twenties.


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