35 of the Most Dangerous Things People Have Ever Done

‘I used to drunkenly dangle off my fire escape at parties’
35 of the Most Dangerous Things People Have Ever Done

Most of us have done something dangerous, but a few of these Redditors make our perilous acts look like amateur hour. One remembered riding a horse down a highway at 1 a.m. to get a milkshake; another street raced in the unlit mountains of Indonesia to secure the thrills they were obviously lacking from every other part of their life. 

Other daredevils have chimed in with the stupidly dangerous things they’ve attempted — including one guy who adopted an Ivan Drago mentality while on the world’s steepest zipline — and we couldn’t be bigger bores in comparison.

Constantlearner01 в 3y ago My chore was to wash the floors. I would mix all sorts of chemicals together, not realizing they don't mix. Like bleach and ammonia with other cleaning products. 1.2K ...
 3y ago We would try to make each other pass out by hyperventilating then having somebody squeeze your chest. Idk wtf that was all about 1.2K ...
MotherofJackals e 10mo ago Getting drunk and playing hide and go seek in an abandoned mine. 274 ...
km_eriksson 10mo ago When I was a kid, I walked out on very thin ice on a river on my way home from school. A neighbor found me, and I never understood why he was so angry and yelled at me. I get it now. 992 ...
 10mo ago Tried to pet a chihuahua while high on shrooms 264 ...
HOB03R3C7U5 10mo ago Climbing free solo has to be up there. No rope or protection of any kind on 60-80ft tall routes. Had one close call and never did it again. 371 ...
boywhataweird 10mo ago Poured baking soda followed by a boatload of vinegar down a clogged drain. When that didn't work, I followed it with a drain cleaner. Fun fact drain cleaner can have bleach in it, which I didn't know and didn't think to check. Anyway don't do that. 1K ...
d4rkseth 10mo ago Petting a rhino. Totally would do it again 911 ...
-Economist- e 10mo ago Scuba with tiger and bull sharks, although I was more concerned with the barracuda that would just stare at me. 887 ...
Syndos 10mo ago I carelessly dropped the bottle of Sulfuric Acid on the floor at the chemistry class in high school 359 ...
No_Noise_5733 o 10mo ago Crash landed a plane when the undercarriage failed on.the first week of a new french air traffic controller. 225 ...
Duckboyth... 10mo ago . Edited 10mo ago Climbed out of an 18 story building (from the 15th floor) down to the bottom with ZERO safety gear.
vamoosedmoose 10mo ago Jumped off a small rock onto wet sidewalk. VERY close to busting my head open from an eight inch drop 330 ...
highxv0ltage . 10mo ago Before garage doors had sensors, I used to close the garage and try to run in before the door came down. 150 ...
marmot1101 3то ago Tried to DIY fix a broken garage door cable. Almost did it. Connection came loose and that cable would have decapitated me if I didn't hear it pop and hit the deck. Learned later that repairing garage doors yourself was a terrible idea 23 Reply Share ...
uncultured_swine2099 3mo ago Learning to ride a manual motorcycle in a third world country where people drive like they're in Grand Theft Auto. It was my regular ride for 6 years, too. 28 Reply Share ...
. 3то ago Most-Gas-8172 When helping my dad put up a chain-link fence with razoribbon. Hoola hooped a coil of razor ribbon around my arm. Share 56 Reply ...
 3то ago Got drunk and passed out on a bus bench in a city with a high murder rate. Woke up at 4am and a bum was sleeping on me 155 Reply Share ...
 14y ago referred to my wife as a lip-sticked moose while she was holding a frying pan 14 ...
show_em_to_me_please 0 7y ago When I was younger, like 6 or so, I hopped into a pig pen and didn't realize it was the pen with our 700 pound boar. Luckily my uncle noticed me after about 5 seconds later. 21 ...
whiteboy623 0 3y ago I used to drunkenly dangle off my fire escape at parties. I get slight panic attacks when I think about it now 42 ...
kiimico 9y ago Went cycling on the pan American highway in Peru up in the mountains when we were basically in a cloud. The visibility was zero and it was raining so much you could hardly keep your eyes open while going downhill. I nearly ate the road a couple of times but my friend wasn't so lucky and caught the side of a lorry and splintered a bone in her knee so we had to take a 6 hour ambulance to get her to surgery. Luckily she's okay now. 54 ...
Telepsychic . 3y ago . Edited 3y ago Climbed a 150 ft water tower drunk af on the 4th of July to watch fireworks. Ladder was 15ft off the ground and you had to shimmy up a sketchy loose pipe attached to the side of the tower to even get on the ladder. Super scary getting to the ladder but once you're on it's not so bad. 64 ...
momolover3000 . 3y ago Street race over unlit mountain roads at night in Indonesia 45 ...
 - 3то ago Laying beneath a trailer while a driver backed it up, so I could manually disengage the dock lock. Share 2 Reply ...
foxclearing 9y ago Camped alone in a tent in the yukon and the northwest territories of canada in the middle of winter for two months to photograph the northern lights. It got down to -60. 149 ...
de um bad - MicroCat1031 3mo ago I was lead investigator in a huge cocaine bust in San Diego. The case went international and involved a cartel. Didn't think about it at the time, but could have easily gotten myself killed in an unpleasant manner. 14 Reply Share ...
sinningsaint93 9y ago Rode a horse down a state highway at one in the morning. We were too young to have a driver's license and I really wanted a milkshake from Kwik Trip. 78 ...
The_Dudes_Rug_ . 9y ago Thought an extremely electrical piece of equipment (rectifier for those who know what it was) was shut off by one of my coworkers. Turned out it wasn't. Had I not been holding the rubber grip on the wrench I was using I would gotten thousands of volts of electricity going throughout my body. When I saw the sparks flying I jumped instinctively jumped away. The wrench was completely warped where it had touched the rectifier. Never told anyone this, but I peed a little. 150 ...
SquishesToTen в 7y ago Played with the magical silver liquid from inside a thermometer. That stuff is so fun to play with. Apparently it's mercury but I'm not dead so... 50 ...
AllAboutLove 7y ago Broke up a fight between a pitbull and Mastiff. Two very strong dogs with jaws snapping at whichever part of the other they could get. Luckily didn't get bitten, but did end up with a sprained ankle. 29 ...
runswiftrun 3y ago Hopped a train. It was going fairly slow through the city, about as fast as a casual jog but it was cutting me off for the foreseeable future. Jogged between two cars, hopped on the joint thingie and hopped off on the other side. There may or may not have been alcohol involved, and I realized the next day how lucky drunk me had been. 4 ...
roberttlang1121 3y ago High speed T top riding. Basically, me and my friends would take turns sitting on top of the middle brace between a firebirds removed T-tops. A trusted driver would then fly down a back road going ~ 100 mph. It feels so much faster and one swerve would probably kill you. There's also the legal aspect, but luckily we never got caught. We were teenagers circa 2002. 4 ...
rizzleishere1993 3y ago I went on the worlds steepest zipline 'The Flying Dutchman' in St Maarten Not exactly a fan of heights. It was about 1000ft steep (took multiple cable cars and ziplines to reach the top) and I think they said we went speeds of about 45mph, but this was a few years ago I always think back to Rocky IV in these situations, with Ivan Drago saying if he dies, he dies 8 ...
surfinwhileworkin 3y ago Tried to gracefully lower myself three stories off a deck I accidentally locked myself out on and fell, landing on my back, on the driveway. For a moment, I didn't think I'd be able to get up. When I finally was able to stand up, my relief was overcome with terrible back pain that persisted for weeks. Lucky I didn't die or paralyze myself. 14 ...


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