25 Wild Things Witnessed in Hospital Waiting Rooms

‘Old man decided to take his pants off in the lobby’
25 Wild Things Witnessed in Hospital Waiting Rooms

At its most functional, a hospital waiting room is a paradigm of controlled chaos. But when that control fades away and it just becomes plain old chaos? Watch out! 

Case in point: One Redditor saw a doctor going from patient to patient, asking questions about their symptoms and medical history for about an hour before orderlies and security guards came and escorted her out. She, uh, wasn’t a doctor. 

A number of other Redditors have remembered the wildest things they’ve seen go down in a hospital waiting room, and it’s the one place where nepotism can really go wrong.

 4y ago I used to work in the ER sometimes... and when we would pull stuff out of people's buttholes it would get washed and sterilised and put in this box under the Triage desk. When a new person started we would run a pool on who could get the newbie to use something out of the box first... I won it once by taking the staples out of his stapler and then casually mentioning that Hey, there is a stapler in the box under the triage desk. I won $150 that day! 901 ...
LowBudgetViking 7mo ago Getting off of my shift at the hospital I worked at I was heading to the parking lot by the ER. All I heard was this woman screaming If you love me you won't leave!!! at the top of her lungs. Seconds later there was a screeching of tires and a car left the parking lot sideways in a cloud of smoke. My buddy walking with me says I guess he doesn't love her. 1.9K Share ...
evasivegoat 2mo ago Edited 2mo ago Maybe not the craziest injury but I once had a 101 year old patient who fell down the stairs and broke her neck. No prior medical history and no other injuries, she was just very annoyed with the neck brace she had to wear and wanted to go home. She was discharged a week later. 4.1K Reply ...
outinthecountry66 7mo ago As a child, went to the emergency room for my dad. Не was ok, but while waiting a guy burst in with a woman on either side of him holding him up. Everyone is screaming and I see why....guys foot was half gone. Не was mowing the lawn in socks. They took him in immediately and one of the women ran into the restroom to vomit. A few minutes later hear the guy screaming as they took him down the hall. Still remember it decades later. 408 Share ...
SheZowRaisedByWolves 7mo ago Old man decided to take his pants off in the lobby before heading to the bathroom. Ended up spraying shit in a path on his way there. From what I understand, he was just there with a family member; not even needing to be seen. Share 186 ...
middleoflidl 7mo ago Someone tried to call an ambulance from the A&E because they thought it would make them get seen quicker. Share 1.4K ...
sassygoat17 7mo ago My moms favorite ER story (she spent a lot of time there with my dad as he fought drug and alcohol addiction on top of health issues) is when they were in an ER that was kind of an open concept, with just curtains for visual privacy. A couple beds in, there was a woman just moaning and screaming in pain. When the doctors went to see her and tell her what was wrong, the woman was moaning so loudly they had to yell YOU ARE LITERALLY FULL OF POOP! loud enough for the whole department to
SteamDecked в 7mo ago I saw a woman who just couldn't get comfortable because of severe constipation. She couldn't stand, sit, lay down or anything. She was moaning and crying like she was dying. I've never seen someone in that kind of agony before. 280 Share ...
Glittering_Use_5486 7mo ago I held a woman's hand as she delivered a baby right after walking into the ER. I was there with my son who was 8 at the time. And that's how my son learned where babies come from. Не told me afterwards that he always thought they came out of the belly button lol. Mom and baby were totally fine. It was pretty amazing. 750 Share ...
HollywoodHa... 7mo ago Edited 7mo ago Fell off my bike and fractured both bones in my wrist, while at camp. While in the waiting room a boy and girl both in Wendy's outfits, boy holding a very bloody towel around his hand and her holding a bag full of ice and something bloody. I kid you not his line was, so after they reattach my finger, do you wanna grab a bite to eat? Then a bunch of cops come in escorting a man in full prison jumpsuit with the arm and leg cuffs bleeding profusely from his head. Quite
SharonWit 7mo ago Doctors' waiting room. A young woman (18 years-ish) is obviously ill. Sweating profusely, jaundice skin, doubled over, and limping to the front desk. She's holding a white plastic kitchen garbage bag from the red ties at the top. The bag is filled at the bottom with dark yellow liquid. She held it up when the receptionist asked if she had brought in her urine sample. 685 Share ...
Salty_tryhard в 7mo ago . Edited 7mo ago I worked at an ER where a guy pulled out a knife in the waiting room and started stabbing himself. When security got to him they found that the knife had a dulled, rounded tip 2.6K Share ...
gomeazy 7mo ago When my wife was going through chemo, she got a fever once after a round. We ran to the nearest emergency room to get assistance and while waiting an older man started playing porn on his phone. Well, the sound was at full blast and he frantically trying to turn the volume down. Share 1K ...
-J-August 7mo ago Grandma brought her 19 year old grandson in with his 19 year old girlfriend. Не tried added a stainless steel cockring into his sex life and was apparently wrong about the size. Grandma was half laying into them for being dumb, and half busting their balls. 772 Share ...
graptemys 7mo ago I took an employee with kidney stones to the ER one time. While sitting in the waiting room, a guy came in with chest pains. Не was taken back for immediate treatment. And then came the rest of his crew. Не had been at a potluck picnic when it happened. And they brought the whole dang thing to the hospital. Like 40 people with casserole dishes and meat trays and such. Only disappointing thing was they didn't invite me to eat. 2.3K Share ...
gothiclg 0 7mo ago My doctor hired her son to be a receptionist. Не announced a woman's STD tests in the lobby. Не didn't work there long. 4.6K Share ...
i an Tangboy50000 7mo ago stoppa Watched a guy fake passing out so he didn't have to wait, since there were a lot of people waiting. Asshole winked at me as he was wheeled back on a gurney. 3.2K Share ...
PewpyDewpdyPantz 7mo ago l'll never forget it. I went to the ER with a kidney stone and there was an old couple sitting across from me probably in their 60's or 70's. The lady was bickering to the man complaining about how long they've been there. The only thing is that this woman was completely purple. Like all of her face and head was this dark purple. She didn't appear to be in any pain but my fuck was she ever purple. 4.4K Share ...
 7mo ago I once saw a guy cut himself with a piece of broken glass to be seen sooner by the nurses during triage. 4.6K Share ...
beachmonkeysmom 7mo ago Girl trying to get admitted to the mental health unit, turns out her boyfriend was a patient. She didn't get admitted, she wasn't happy about it but she left. Next thing we know there's a car doing donuts just outside of the ER entrance, she was throwing things out the window and screaming am I crazy enough now? She ends up driving around to the other side of the hospital and driving right through some sliding glass doors. She's lucky she didn't kill someone, another 10 feet and she would have crashed over a railing and into
Silent_Push_1413 7mo ago I was sitting in the ER waiting room and this young couple comes in. The man pushing his girlfriend in a wheel chair. She's barely conscious, slumped over and pale. As the boyfriend is checking her in, she wakes ups and Exorcist-style projectile vomits onto the floor. Nurses rush her back. The boyfriend then sits down and not a minute passes before out of nowhere he does the same! Everyone waiting slapped masks on real quick once that happened. 6.3K Share ...
NotBadSinger514 7mo ago A doctor going from patient to patient asking them health questions, symptoms and so on. She did this for an hour until there was a code white announcement. 2 orderly's and a 2 security guards surrounded her and hauled her off. She was not a doctor after all.. 7.3K Share ...
FLcitizen 7mo ago Like 20 years ago waiting in the ER I see a guy dressed up as a full Monkey being wheeled on a stretcher past a large doorway and then 3 other monkeys following him. They were performers from the Live Lion King Show at Animal Kingdom. 4.9K Share ...
Best_Lead_632 . 7mo ago I work as a nurse in the emergency, I've seen some crazy things. But on a lighter note, while security was busy doing two separate take downs an old guy dressed up like Santa unzipped his backpack and started handing out beers to everyone in the waiting room 6.6K Share ...
AgeConfiden... 7mo ago . Edited 7mo ago All happened in one night: a guy comes in and waits hrs after shot in hip,he fights with extremely dirty and barefoot 500 lb woman in a wheelchair who falls asleep drooling during said fight, then a 90 yr old lady was waiting with me having had a hatchet to her forehead after a robbery. I was there with a broken ankle. Waited 11 hrs and they were still there when I left. 435 Share ...


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