35 Unbelievable Excuses Students Gave Teachers That Turned Out to Be True

‘I’ve been sleeping next to my dead grandma’
35 Unbelievable Excuses Students Gave Teachers That Turned Out to Be True

After students ruined the reputation of dogs everywhere with their homework-eating lies, it makes sense that teachers expect their pupils to come up with new, even more unbelievable excuses. But shockingly, sometimes students are telling the truth about why they can’t make it to class, even if the reasons are “I fell off a cliff,” or “I had to help a cow give birth.” 

Reddit’s finest educators have shared the most unbelievable excuses they were given that wound up being true, including a girl who had a very good reason for being tired in class.

schnit123 5y ago I had a student miss class because one of his co-workers at his job had been arrested for child pornography and management needed him to cover the shift the guy was supposed to work before he was arrested. The student brought in proof too, thankfully not in the form of CP. 12K ...
Melodi27155 5y ago My Bio teacher told me this story. During a biology lesson they were outside. My school is near a small lake. A student ended up falling in and getting their legs stuck in the mud. The bio teacher had to rescue them and hose them off behind the school. The next period teacher didn't believe them despite the student being soaking wet. 11K ...
 5y ago My pet rats dragged my history homework into their cage and modified it to fit in with the aesthetic of their shredded-paper nest. I told the teacher the next day who didn't believe me until I could get my dad to vouch for me. Teach was all Well if she wasn't lying, why didn't she bring the remainder in as proof? My dad: Because the papers were shredded and covered in rat urine. 6.9K ...
 5y ago в Edited 5y ago I had a sixth grader come into class very sleepy during test day. I asked her why and she said she is sleeping next to her dead grandma in the living room and has been too scared to sleep. I asked her parents about this, turns out it's a cultural practice of theirs to keep a dead relative in the home for a few days while their spirit makes it journey to the afterlife.
N4zdr3g 10y ago A student of mine sent me an e-mail that he couldn't come in and take an exam because he had fallen off of a cliff. I thought that it was a lazy excuse but the next time he came to class (about a week later), he was in a wheelchair with casts on his legs. It turns out that he had been rock climbing, fell, and shattered both of his ankles. 192 ...
ladymchumperdink . 7y ago It was my very first day as a teacher. I had a student come in saying Sorry, I was helping a cow give birth. I didn't believe him until he showed me the photos. 7.9K ...
IxJAXZxl 10y ago A friend of mine once left class and didnt come back for about an hour. When he got back the teacher was furious. Не had to admit, in front of the whole class, that he had taken a shit so large it literally broke the toilet. The teacher didn't believe it took him an hour just to use the bathroom. Later that day we found out he took a shit in the bathroom and the toilet clogged. Не went and found the janitor to try and help unclog it. In the process of unclogging it, the pipe
NewWorldCamelid 5y ago We had a kid in our class who was pure chaos. Came late all the time, forgot stuff, didn't do his homework, disruptive in class... you get the picture. One day he came to school over two hours late and said the bus he was on fell into a sinkhole. Everybody was like yeah, right, until the news came in that there had indeed been a sinkhole from a tunnel construction and that indeed a bus had slipped into it. We never found out whether our classmate had actually been in it, but he swore he was.
sweetpeadubs 10y ago An email: Hi Professor Sweetpeadubs. I'm missing class because I contracted typhoid in the lab. Absolutely true. 809 ...
savageexplosive 5y ago Edited 5y ago One of the girls I know from Uni works in a college (here college is a name for vocational school), and one of her groups of students jokingly said they died when someone was absent from classes. So one day it went morbidly wrong when she asked why, say, Dave was absent, the group replied that he died, she laughed and said okay, but seriously and the class was just silent.
Practical_Quarter721 7mo ago My favorite was a student who couldn't submit his homework assignment. The student came to class and says, Professor. I really wanted to turn in my homework. But the FBI took my laptop. Student then shows me the evidence receipt they gave him. 31 Reply ...
DiscerningBarbarian 7mo ago My girlfriend and I got a little extra frisky over the weekend and I ended up with testicular torsion. *Then proceeds to pull his pants down to try and show me 65 Reply ...
 9y ago A student didn't come to school on Monday; turned up Tuesday (thinking it was Monday) and said she simply got mixed up with her days. I gave her a detention for an unexplained absence as per school protocol. On the Wednesday I get an irate call from her Mum demanding her detention be revoked as the whole family slept in on Monday, thinking it was Sunday, and they didn't realize until someone went out to get the paper and saw it said Monday, not Sunday. How this girl got through high school is anyone's guess 146 ...
OperationJack 9y ago My dad had a guy claim his pregnant girlfriend's water broke on his take home exam. My dad didn't believe him, but he got a message from the office explaining the guy's mom had called and explained the situation. Apparently the mom offered to put it in a ziplock baggy but figured no one wanted to see that. 105 ...
 5y ago Not a teacher but I got a frog stuck in my printer just before I was going to print an assignment. This was before email- submitted assignments were standard. Got an extra day because the professor had never gotten that excuse. Also, HP sent me a new printer. 363 ...
meatfrappe 3y ago ~10 years ago I had a student say he didn't do the homework because his car caught fire on his ride home, and his textbook was in the back seat. I was suspicious, but he quickly produced the badly charred textbook, which was also completely waterlogged from when the fire department put out the fire, and asked me if I could issue him a new one. It's possible that he burned and soaked his textbook in an effort to getting out of doing the homework. If that was the case, bravo. 472 ...
enzlow 9y ago I AM a teacher and I had a student tell me that their car (containing their coursework) was stolen and used in a high-speed chase. I almost lost it and busted up in laughter, but I politely asked that they provide some sort of proof. The student said they would try to get a police report and I gave them a day to do so. Well, later that night I decide to see if I can find anything about it online and launched the local newspaper's website. The first headline I see on the page is about
DiabolicalPopkov 3y ago They told me they couldn't study for a test because some rapper had broken into their house the night before and robbed them and they were too traumatized to study. I did not believe them but then the rapper got arrested for burglary and the local newspaper ran a story on it and it was actually a true story. I unfortunately cannot remember the name of the rapper he was not nationally famous but well known in our part of Baltimore. 352 ...
Jon3141592653589 9y ago Backpack containing my course's homework and textbook stolen at gunpoint while walking home from campus. I felt pretty awkward for laughing at this one, after realizing that it wasn't a joke. 257 ...
mintyboom 5y ago This'll get buried, but I had a student miss about a week and a half of school. Senior. Arts school. Не came back and nonchalantly said he was in New York shooting fashion week. I thought it was bogus but indeed I was wrong! 73 ...
 5y ago Mini unit on Lizzie Borden. (That sounds weird, but it was part of a news/investigative reporting unit for a journalism elective I teach.) Student told me she was having trouble focusing on the lesson because her dad is an ax murderer so it was bringing up a lot of memories and feelings. Googled his name and уер, she wasn't lying. 297 ...
IncoherentPenguin 5y ago I have a cousin who went to his math class and turned in his homework without any proof showing he worked on the problem. When asked why he didn't show his work, he responded with, A NASA rocket scientist showed me a better way. Well no one believes him, until they called his dad and he had to explain they had a family friend from out of town staying at their house and yes he was actually a NASA rocket scientist. 1.2K ...
judyoo . 5y ago My friend got his 2 front teeth knocked out while play fighting with his dad and the teacher called him a liar in front of the class and then had to apologize to him, his dad and the whole class the next day 411 ...
Ahtotheahtothenonono . 3y ago Horse ate her homework. Corroborated by her living on a farm and her mom emailing to apologize as well 155 ...
sotonohito 7y ago My partner was a teacher and, this was pre cell phone, had a student come in about 15 minutes late. Her excuse was that there was a house in the middle of the road and traffic was backed up trying to get around it. My partner didn't believe her at first but it turned out to be true. One of those giant trucks they can jack up an entire house onto had skidded and lost its load. There were pictures in the paper the next day. 1.7K ...
yayscienceteachers 7y ago We called a parent about a student's absence and the parent flipped out, insisting that he'd brought the kid to the bus stop and how had we lost a CHILD and he was going to contact the authorities. We asked if he'd checked her room. Sure enough, he'd brought her to the bus stop the DAY BEFORE and had forgotten to wake her up for school that day. 1.2K ...
Thechaser45 3y ago My wife had a student that left her class about 15 minutes into class every day. After about a week of this she asked him what's up. Не looked her dead in the eye and said if he eats breakfast in the morning he will need to crap at that time everyday. She asked the hall monitor to check up on him and sure enough, he went to the bathroom everyday like clockwork. 834 ...
patter0607 7y ago Had a habitually tardy student come in late after saying he was pinned under a tree. Found out later he was ditching the class before mine in the wooded area behind the school. Не climbed a tree and fell taking a huge branch with him. The branch pinned him at the trunk of the tree. Security found him screaming his head off. 992 ...
 E 7y ago My mom had a student that got literally hit by a car. Не came to class with a broken rib, was really apologetic. My mom was shocked he wasn't at the hospital 1.5K ...
SalemScout 5y ago I had a student who told me he was going to miss one of the exams because he was visiting a famous rapper in Florida with his family. Не told me that the rapper, who at the time was a relatively big deal, all over the radio, was his cousin and his family was flying out for a show and he couldn't skip it. I mean, I would have let him make up the exam anyway, I don't really care as long as he takes it. But all his peers and I were kind of like Yeah,
BowmanTheShowman 7y ago I was at school on time, but I was in the office cause I forgot my shoes. Не really had been waiting in the office for his mom to bring shoes. 4.2K ...
ichosethis 7y ago . Edited 7y ago Local high school student was late and tells the teacher your house is on fire! Teacher goes yeah, right, sit down. Some of the other students ran to the window (teacher lived 2 blocks west of the school), sure enough there were firetrucks, ambulances, and general chaos. The teachers house was actually on fire, it took 2 years to rebuild.
Beeb294 7y ago Former teacher. I had a student tell me the police took his trumpet away. I didn't buy it. Talked to his classroom teacher later, turns out it was in the trunk of his mom's car when dad stole it and ran from the cops while high. When he crashed, the cops impounded the car and his trumpet. So yes, the police took a 4th grader's trumpet. 9.1K ...
Historytech 7y ago I was running from the police. Mind you, this wouldn't be a surprising reason to be absent, they were just late.... the police showed up 20 minutes later quite surprised that their suspect was actually at school. 7.4K ...
dry-banana-hippy-hat 7mo ago A student emails me that they won't make it to class on time because they accidentally locked themselves in the bathroom. Later they told me that they were screaming for help for 2 hours before using raw strength to break down the door. 45 Reply ...


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