29 of the Most Surprising Secrets People Just Blurted Out

‘How he got rid of a body’
29 of the Most Surprising Secrets People Just Blurted Out

People can’t help but tell their secrets. It’s why criminals often return to the scene of their crime or guilty parties end up giving deathbed confessions. They can’t just bury those things in the back of their minds and forget about them — no matter how hard they try. 

So when Redditors started recalling the secrets people blurted out to them, it made sense that the admissions were random as hell — like the guy whose father said “You have a half brother out there somewhere” during a normal car ride. 

And while a lot of the spilled secrets are understandable, there are a few that never should’ve been shared. Such as the girl who admitted that she “dated her brother for a while.” Why would she ever tell someone that?   

racinjunki . 10d ago Friend of mine pulled the plug on his father. Was very illegal to assist anyone where he lives but his father asked him to do it. Share 79 Reply ...
treyblazer 10d ago A guy I worked with literally told me he does sounding. I didn't know what it was. Не told me and I almost threw up and he said his wife caught him doing it. If you don't know what it is I don't recommend googling it. But if you wanna know.... a male sticking a titanium rod in and out of his urethra for masturbation 63 Share Reply ...
black_p0isOn . 10d ago A classmate at her old school had a deadly peanut allergy so she put peanuts in her food to see what would happen... 18 Reply Share ...
NoTripOfALifetime 10d ago Sitting at a Red Lobster, she revealed that she was having an affair. She then asked me what places I think she should bang this dude so she never got caught. 42 Reply Share ...
fukinuhhh 10d ago My friend told me he stuck a bubble wand up his ass 124 Reply Share ...
Far_Classroo... 10d ago . Edited 10d ago My super religious mate of 10 years recently confided in me that he's a cuck. Each to their own but wtf!
Calliopedreams 10d ago Less depressing one: A friend told me once that they use a hairdryer to dry their whole body off after a shower... not friendship ending but it made me realize that people truly have completely different perspectives 71 Reply Share ...
LegfaceMcCullenE13 10d ago My friend told me he would regularly lurk around hospitals at late hours with his dating apps on and pick up nurses. 158 Reply Share ...
Heroic-Forger 10d ago During a class reunion a high-school classmate admitted that cityscapes turned him on. Apparently he had a skyscraper fetish and he jerked it to images of urban city skylines lit up at night by bright lights. 4.5K Share Rep ...
Ugly_Duck_King 7mo ago My great grandma recently revealed to me that, when my great grandfather was on hospice twenty years ago, due to leukemia, she got tired of caring for him and irritated by how many people were at the house that she turned off his oxygen and sent him to rest with the good Lord. She has been diagnosed with dementia at some point within the past few years, so I don't know how true this is, but I will never look at her the same 4K ...
Mathis20050316 . 10d ago Girlfriends brother pretended to go to school for 3 years and made fake school reports and shit 6.1K Repl Share ...
10d ago _teyy_teyy_ Guy told me he fucked a jar of Vaseline at work, in the bathroom. We were coworkers lol Share 1.5K Repl ...
 10d ago When I was younger, I went to this guy's house with a couple friends, playing video games. His grandpa lived with him, and casually told me a story about how when he was in the military, a guy took two other guys out into the jungle b/c everyone thought they were gay. Не didn't come back with the two guys. 6.6K Rep Share ...
Successful-Crazy-126 . 10d ago When i was a kid an aunty admitted to burning down her boyfriends sisters house with kerosene. 521 Reply Share ...
Traditional_Jicama72 . 7mo ago I found out my mother and father were not divorced. Не never existed. She had a one night stand, found out she was pregnant, bought a wedding ring, changed her name, and told the family that she had gotten married. She made up excuses every time she went to my grandparents house as to why her husband couldn't also be there to meet them. On the 3rd visit my grandfather told her to never wear that ring in his house again, and when is the baby due? I'm 53. 4.5K ...
The68Guns . 7mo ago I was chatting with a detail cop, and he happily told me that he sold all the drugs he confiscated near a CVS in town. 1.2K ...
maff0000 e 7mo ago how he got rid of a body. it involed freezing it, then drive to the shore and using a woodchipper. 561 ...
ridobe . 7mo ago I'm 56 now but at some point in my early 40s while driving with my dad he says you have a half brother somewhere. 7K ...
lifewitheleanor . 8y ago A professional in a high ranking position once told me he ate dog biscuits as treats when he was a kid. They aren't that bad, except the green ones, the green ones were gross. 884 ...
madas02 e 8y ago a friend of my parents' randomly told me he was my father...i was 17 when he did and we were in the car driving to pick up some cakes for a dinner party organised by my parents 1.4K ...
BoofleBuns 0 8y ago My conservative Christian mother told me she was currently growing marijuana behind the pond. She'd been working on it for years. 1.1K ...
AlexanderHouse 8y ago She dated her brother for a while. 1.2K ...
eggre 8y ago As I was leaving grad school, my prof and academic advisor introduced me to his mistress. I couldn't stand the asshole, so yeah, I was pretty surprised he entrusted me with that information. 1.5K ...
mrspotts 8y ago . Edited 8y ago My friend telling me she used to be an escort. 1.2K ...
billbapapa 8y ago Really rich guy. Genius by all accounts. Academic, well decorated, business guru, etc. And honestly, a really great guy. So he sort of mentored me, and he liked to tell stories. One day he gets drunk and basically tells me Yeah, all my businesses lose money, I'm not sure anything I've done is really very valuable at all, I got lucky and invested in the right dog food company and made around a 100million bucks and that's basically how I am where I am. It was unreal. But I'm very happy for the guy. 3.9K ...
boomboombalatty 8y ago Very drunk guy once told me he'd been paid to blow up a meth lab, presumably with people inside. Не had the right kind of military and personal background to make that claim absolutely believable, and I have no doubt he did it. I don't, however, know why he told me. I don't think he remembered telling me afterwards, and I wasn't about to bring it back up. 344 ...
squirrel-phone 8y ago My best friend and his wife had been trying unsuccessfully for years to conceive a 2nd child. Then one day his wife told us she had secretly been taking birth control the whole time, that their first child was more work than she thought it would be and she didn't want a 2nd. WTF? 2.2K ...
actuallyauburn . 8y ago A fella I'm living with has killed someone. 1K ...
k_dubious 10d ago An old lady on a MBTA bus in Boston started making conversation with me. We made small talk for a few stops, at which point she thought it was a perfect opportunity to tell me about how her one true love was her cousin back in Iran. Share 156 Reply ...


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