30 Wild Things People Used a Company Credit Card For

‘Took his family on a ski trip to Aspen… every year for eight years’
30 Wild Things People Used a Company Credit Card For

Okay, sure, scamming your place of employment is legally wrong. But all of the stories you’re about to read will make you wonder how it took so long for these scammers’ superiors to figure out their scams. At some point, it feels less like the perpetrators are to blame, and more like these companies shouldn’t have as much money as they do — because if they had less, they would’ve noticed much sooner that a guy spent $20,000 in company funds on a mail-order bride. 

Redditors have detailed the most unbelievable things they’ve seen coworkers and friends buy with a company credit card, and while each and every purchase is insanely stupid, it was probably really fun to spend company cash this way — until they got caught, that is. 

Star90s 7y ago I worked at a strip club back in the 90's and a customer ran up a $3500 tab on his corporate Amex and left without closing it out. A few days later we got a visit from the police as he reported the card stolen. Thing is he was a regular and we had plenty of video footage of him getting lap dances while wearing his corporate issued polo shirt. Не not only got fired but was charged with filing a false police report which led to his wife divorcing him for being such a stripper loving
notasushifan 7y ago Guy bought a diamond ring for his wife. When it was brought up to him he said he was going to pay it off (except he never mentioned it to anyone until he was caught). Instead of firing him they took it out of his next six (or more) paychecks. Nice interest free loan for him. 238 ...
bklipa88 . 2y ago Guy I worked with bought a whole TUMI luggage set and was shocked when he got canned 25 Share ...
eyefearnobeer 7y ago I use to audit corporate card purchases for a fortune 50 company. I caught a guy trying to buy a $30k boat from Bass Pro and a $15k walk-in humidor. 1K ...
FunNegotiation3 2y ago в Edited 2y ago I had a friend who was on tight food and beverage budget while traveling. Unless he was taking out a potential client. So he would go to nice steak house alone, order two meals, different drinks. Не didn't have a fridge so he would offer the untouched meal to the server. A lot of times he would ask the server what their favorite meal was or their spouses favorite meal and order it for them. 302 Share ...
derek_g_S . 7y ago guy ikkow I took his family on a ski trip to aspen. Every year. For 8 years. 728 ...
jthe357 7y ago Edited 7y ago Worked at a retail company that gave all of its store managers corporate cards. The cards had high limits on them so the store managers could use that instead of maintaining petty cash on hand or having to use personal cards while traveling for training. While visiting one of the stores I asked where there keurig machine was. I wanted a coffee and the closest Starbucks was a few blocks away. I had seen the manager submit her expense report with a purchase for a keurig machine, k-cups, a small bathroom fixture and a
Taxbinch 0 2y ago One time a guy saved up all of his per diem on a work trip and then spent it on nunchucks 16 ...
Yerok-The-Warrior 7y ago When the Army first went to a travel card system they initially used Amex. The cards had no limit and were activated at all times. One of my soldiers went out and bought a set of rims for his personal vehicle to the tune of $2,500. Now, there are limits and the cards are deactivated until needed. 540 ...
AdelaisV 7y ago Edited 7y ago Had a friend who managed to spend $20k on her corporate card over the course of about a year and a half. Apparently she felt like she wasn't being compensated or treated well at her job (even though she actually was) and would go out and buy things on the card. Dinner, gas, books, make up, clothes, etc. After the fact she told me that, in the beginning, she'd been careful to buy things only at places she knew her boss and his partner (the only 2 other people who had cards on the
redblazerrealty 7y ago Edited 7y ago Back when I was in high school I took a cooking class, this is in a small town where the grocery store is only a stones throw away from the high school and cooking students are often sent to the store to pick up ingredients, when a student would do this they would get a little card which they used to pay and they would have sign a little form at the till (source : did this several times) so this one day the teacher ask this kid to go the store to get oats,
Kingjaybaby 7y ago I was bartending one night. It was a Thursday so karoake was going on. Guy walked in in a business suit walked up to the bar and said as long as I'm here everything is on this card. I said sure enough what would you like to drink. Не said when I say everything I mean every drink, shot, and food for every person. Не stayed until close and tallied up a huge tab. Tipped 50%. Come to find out he had been let go but the company forgot to take his credit card. I don't know
 7y ago Buy approximately $65 of gas four times in one hour. Не only had 1 company car but 3 personal cars at home. After an audit, he had been getting away with it for over a year. 4.7K ...
alltechrx 7y ago A co-worker was dating someone that also worked for our company. Не used his company card to buy an addition to the girls friends house. Something like a 20k addition. The accountants caught it, and started digging around to figure out why we had bought so much wood, drywall, and other building materials. Finally someone got the idea to start driving around and looking at the employees homes, and found the huge addition on the girlfriends home. They were both fired for theft. The BEST part is that it wasn't even her house, it was a rental.
AbortRetrylmplo... 7y ago Edited 7y ago I accidentally pocket-bought my friend's erotica novel off Amazon because yay one click ordering. I've never been so glad that they're reasonable about returns for accidental digital purchases because I did NOT want to explain to our purchasing officer why our department bought a book of vampire porn. Lesson learned: always log out of your work Amazon account. 98 ...
 7y ago Invited their landlord out to a night on the town, in lieu of rent payment, and told the company it was for a sales lead so they charged the dinner and drinks to the company card. Basically free rent. 288 ...
pushchop 7y ago I used to review credit card purchases. Employees would have to submit receipts and explain what each line item was for. One guy bought a $500 watch and wrote down on his spreadsheet watch to replace my broken one. Apparently he felt his personal wristwatch was work- related and worthy of replacing with Swiss watch with automatic movement. 307 ...
 7y ago Was with the company for 6 months and was given a company card. Within a month he got caught using it for personal stuff. Groceries. Gas. Restaurants. Movies. When he got caught he tried blaming it on a gambling addiction. They ended up keeping him around another few months until he got caught doing the same stuff. 64 ...
 0 7y ago Buy a $20,000 mail order bride, frantically try to get money to pay it off, obviously can't hide it, gets fired. 262 ...
seeasea 7y ago My brother spent 100K building an alcohol collection over six months, along with 300k in other spending. While spectacularly stupid, not to mention criminal, I wonder why it took the company so long to find out. Don't they pay it each month? 21 ...
marriedgaysian 7y ago As someone who reviews our companies purchasing cards every month, I've seen some crazy shit. Most insane? A cardholder paid for her daughters wedding. 33 ...
pm_nudes_thanks 7y ago One of our supervisors bought a $7,000 boat on his corporate card and claimed he used the wrong card. Не was fired for that and also because he was a nitwit. It was a great excuse to cut him loose. 27 ...
Reactorp 7y ago A buddy of mine found out that his parents had this corporate credit card in 5th grade with basically unlimited money. Не managed to spend about 20,000$ on online games such as Runescape and Habbo before his mother found out. You can imagine he was the coolest kid in class. 52 ...
Namssob 2y ago Best story of all time. At my previous company, a guy created his own fake LLC La Resto Bistro, setup a merchant account, then used his corporate card for unlimited business lunches and client meals using his business card reader. All funds went straight into his own business account, and eventually back to himself. Eventually got caught but it took years. 10 Share ...
splume 2y ago Had a guy use his card for The Bunny Ranch and a Square transaction with a woman's name. When I googled her it was pretty clear she's an escort. Also on that card: 1st class tickets to Hawaii, hotel in Hawaii, and $1000+ charges from BestBuy. All of those charges (he maxed the card out at $30k) sat in an unsubmitted report that rolled up to me (his manager) after 120 days. Fun fact about that company (and many other companies I've worked for): The card wasn't against the employee's personal credit, but rather the company's (company
TPRT 2y ago SaaS This was back when my dad was a Pharma Sales Manager. Customer asked to order Screaming Eagle, dad had no idea what that was, and they ended up drinking something like a whole case. My dad will never forget what Screaming Eagle is. Company paid for it thankfully. Share 6 ...
MiracleDealer 2y ago Had a guy who worked for us who was using his company Amex to pay for his groceries, utilities bills and just about anything he could for his lifestyle for 5 years. Не was an accountant so he was getting away with it because he was managing all the finances himself. Where he got stuck was he went on a cruise and started gambling with it. It was enough to raise the spending amount enough to get scrutiny. The. Не got arrested. Wild Share 1 ...
the_drunken_taco 2y ago When I was a baby consultant at a tech company in the 2010's, one of the AE's who was known for being a hardcore partier got arrested on a DUI, in a car rented on his corporate card, while on a work trip... Yeah. Не used the same card to cover his bail. Не thought he'd be able to pay it off before the statement hit? Realized way too late that's not how it works. 1 Share ...
mcdray2 2y ago I worked for a resort development company where one of our services was building sales and marketing strategies and staffing the on site discovery center with a sales team. They would live there for 6-12 months while selling the homes/condos and then move the next spot. Could be anywhere in the world, beach or ski mountain. We had one in Mexico and noticed several of them recurring expenses for dog walkers. The sales team explained it by saying they were so busy all day that they couldn't get back to their apartments to let their dogs out.
DaddyJBird 7y ago Dude tried to pass off a $350 spa package as a gift for a client. Problem is we have no clients based near us the closest being some 2000 miles away. 129 ...


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