28 Dumb Things Men Tried to Explain to Women

‘Women can’t handle the stress of going to college’
28 Dumb Things Men Tried to Explain to Women

There are times when sexism is too stupid to bear. Just ask the woman who actually had a guy tell her that the morning sickness she was experiencing was all in her head, and that she could control it if she really wanted to. Or the woman working the drive-thru window who had a man tell her that putting ice in Coca-Cola caused hyperactivity.

Many other women have shared stories about the times men ruined their day, and a lot of these guys have no idea how menstrual cycles work. 

Phoenix_Magic_X 0 7y ago You're the girl, you have to do the cooking. Said by the boy I was working with in food tech. As in a class about cooking. Share 53 ...
LadyEmry 7y ago I worked fast food as a teenage - a dad once yelled at me and called me a fucking idiot for putting ice in the three large Cokes he was buying for his young sons because, and I quote, the ice will make them hyperactive. 38 Share ...
themotherofpuppies 7y ago My then boyfriend (now fiancé) and I were about to have sex for the first time and were both virgins. Не told me we didn't need protection because since my hymen wasnt broken it would 'keep the sperm out'. Не grew up in a super conservitive home so I attribute his lack of knowledge to that but we still joke about it today. 192 Share ...
obamapear 7y ago A guy was hitting on me in a bar and tried to impress me with his knowledge of the culture of the emus in Alaska. Не meant the Inuit. Share 40 ...
Merujo 4y ago At an airshow, two guys tried to explain to me that there were no women flying military aircraft in WWII, and why they didn't have the right temperament to fly those planes. My mom was a pilot in WWII. Oh, what a FUN day that was! Mom was cool. :) Share 1K ...
 4y ago That I only had morning sickness because I was conditioned to believe that pregnant women were supposed to and that I was able to control if I really wanted to. 1.4K Share ...
 4y ago That a woman gets pregnant only if the man comes same time she does. I was speechless. 2.4K Share ...
succubusbanana 4y ago What an americano was. While I was making it. At Starbucks. Then I proceeded to tell him the history of it and he tried to argue that it was French, not Italian. 1.3K Share ...
CoffeeBeanMcQu... 4y ago . Edited 4y ago A different one. I keot chickens for awhile. Cue dude telling me they wouldn't lay eggs without a rooster. This man, who had never been near a live chicken in his life, was walking among my flock I had kept for years, educating me.
eyelovemittens 4y ago My dad tried (incorrectly) to explain how mortgages work. When I said I already knew, he said, how could you know that? I was a fucking real estate agent. For years. Share 774 ...
cueythesnob . 4y ago . Edited 4y ago that i i can control my period and make it stop
Mabayu 4y ago a guy tried to tell me once that women technically aren't mammals because according to him we lay eggs every month :/ 2.2K Share ...
 4y ago That I only got my period during the full moon. I tried explaining that werewolves and women are different but he insisted for a good twenty minutes that he was right, ignoring that fact that I'd been getting my period for years and he still had yet to get his. 416 Share ...
strangelyahuman 4y ago This guy tried to explain to me once how a penis has a bone in it. Не was being dead serious, and I was confused as to why he thought that considering he has one. Regardless he didn't believe me when I told him there's no bone 3.7K Share ...
Jovial-Microbe . 7y ago I had a guy I worked with tell me the reason I was so moody was because women can't handle the stress of going college. 38 Share ...
OverallWeird G 4y ago . Edited 4y ago So I once said SALUT at a bar during a toast, and a former friend said ACTUALLY it's SALUDE, with a D .....Reader, I'm Italian.
cdgal38382 - 4y ago My husband once explained to me how the stock market works. I've worked at a brokerage firm for 20 years. 1K Share ...
TheEmpressDodo 4y ago Ex argued women poop in pellets like rabbits and there was no way we could poop any other way. We were too delicate for it to be like men. 234 Share ...
Torokinzz 8y ago I'm 20 years old. These guys were 18-19. They told me that having sex with pregnant women was dangerous for the baby since it meant that you could poke the baby's soft skull. It took me an hour to convince them that they were wrong. 120 Share ...
DarcyMcCarbomb 8y ago That since God made men first and in his image, it's just natural that men are superior and there's no point trying to fight it. Share 138 ...
 8y ago Once a guy told me that he didn't think Salt was a good movie because female actors aren't as good as male actors.. They just aren't as believable. Share 71 ...
Savannah_Hender... 8y ago . Edited 8y ago Women get a period every month, so they get new, fresh blood. That's why it's good for men to get hurt/bleed every now and then, while women don't have to - My Ex
MandarinTea 4y ago While living in Oregon a white man once told me( (a black female from the south) that I have no idea what it's like to be a black woman in the South. Не then proceeded to explain the troubles and hardships to me. Share 1.4K ...
wabba_polo 8y ago Was talking to an arty friend about the lack of female director's in the film industry. I was making a point about discrimination and how social pressures can mean women end up more in producer roles because of them. Не said that it was that 'women can't create art to the same standard as men because they have the ability to create life'! I'm pretty sure my uterus has nothing to do with my ability to use a paintbrush or write a film script! ...I told him that was the stupidest thing I ever heard. 161 Share
wifichick 8y ago Guy telling his buddies how he changed his oil and used 8 quarts of oil. I corrected him to 5 for his truck model (grew up in garages with dad). Then i get the sarcastic ooooOoooOoo. Little joe mechanic knows about car maintenance. Yes, apparently more than you ya dumb shit! Lol Share 211 ...
momordica 8y ago To paraphrase: Women and men's minds are like boxes except women only have one box while men have a lot. That's why women always mix up their feelings and can't concentrate because they put everything in one box. Men don't do that. They're able to separate things into different boxes. I rolled my eyes so. hard. I also wanted to strangle him. I feel bad for his girlfriend tbh. 346 Share ...
Hedgiwithapen 7y ago A man once told me I was saying my name wrong. Like, my dude, I understand that it is typically a French name but I'm named for my Italian grandmother and just because you can't say it right doesn't mean that I'm wrong. Chill out. 179 Share ...
sarafromj 7y ago Your period stops completely in water. I asked him what he thought of all the tampon commercials showing women swimming. 63 Share ...


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