25 of the Funniest Ways People Became Scarred for Life

‘The toilet monster’
25 of the Funniest Ways People Became Scarred for Life

There’s no experience quite like traumatizing someone so badly that you change the trajectory of their life. Someone who used to get into bed without a problem could be one jump scare away from checking under the covers until their dying day. That, ultimately, is what life is all about — creating those unbreakable bonds with other people on this mortal coil.

Redditors have revealed the funniest ways they’ve scarred someone for life, and who knew a butterfly could be the source of turmoil?

Swansatron 12y ago From the time I was about three, my big brother told me all sorts of bugs and earwigs would get inside my ears while I slept and eat my brain. Не went in to horrible details, of how they would reach my eyes, and slowly eat them, and it would be the most painful experience of my life. I sleep with a blanket over my head at all times, and wake up in the morning to check my ears the very first thing. 60 Share ...
accidental_asshole . 12y ago My older brother used to play this really fun game whenever we were in a swimming pool together. Не would pretend he was the shark and I would pretend I was a panicky, screaming, 5 year old who could barley swim. Then he would pull me under the water... 20 years later and I still hate swiming. Older brothers, We love you but, fuck you. sincerly, Your better looking and more succesful younger brothers. 971 Share ...
ObLIViOn75 12y ago I remember thinking when I was younger about how spontaneous death is after the death of my Grandfather. Now, whenever I leave somebody's room, or house, or whatever, I say something incredibly kind to them. That way, if they do die, the last thing I've said will have been awesome. 549 Share ...
 12y ago My older brother always loves to stay up late and play video games in our basement. One night we had a scary movie marathon with the lights off. When we were done I pretended to go upstairs but hid behind our sofa. After about 10 minutes of playing games I whisper Do you want to play a game? I have never seen him move his ass that fast. Не stills refuses to play video games late at night 6 years later. 289 Share ...
wide_open_skies 12y ago My brother and I shared a room growing up. I'm a side sleeper, so I'd always be facing his bed as I drifted off to sweet slumber. Somehow, as my eyes slowly opened and closed, he could time it perfectly that I would close my eyes, open them, and behold there he was at the foot of my bed. Still have trouble falling asleep, and we don't even share a room anymore. 146 Share ...
 12y ago This one happened to me. My older cousin once told me that when you flush the toilet a monster will come out, and the only way to be safe is to enter another room before the flushing noise stops because the doorway is a barrier. Even long after I stopped believing it, I kept doing this out of habit. Flushing the toilet still gives me this sense of impending danger and a desire to leave the room really quickly. 935 Share ...
lawlocost D 12y ago My brother still flinches every time a butterfly flies by because I told him they were poisonous. He's almost 18 now. 112 Share ...
Todarus 12y ago One day, when I was about 5, my dad brought home a pack of Gummy Bears that he got at work. Не shared them with me, of course, but I kept playing with them. The way they reformed themselves after being crushed was oddly amusing until he told me that when you eat them, they'll reform in your stomach and climb out of your throat. Then he leaned in close and whispered And they'll be pissed. I still can't eat those damn things. 1.2K Share ...
rekgreen 12y ago My brother came into the bathroom when I was having a bath about 4 years of age. Не asked if I'd like to hear a story and then proceeded to tell me a terrifying story about monsters. As he neared the end of the story he turned off the light switch and said if you put one foot out of the bath the monsters will get you. Не shut the door leaving me alone in the pitch black bathroom. The water got colder and colder but I didn't move a muscle. My mum found me there about
 12y ago My brother is horrified of walking past beds, because when he was five he was going to get some clothes from our moms room. I heard him coming up the stairs so I ran into my moms room and hid under her bed. Не came in and walked past the bed and I grabbed his ankles and pulled him under the bed...He was horrified... Now he always checks under beds before walking near them and he hops into bed because he's afraid he might get pulled under. I'm a horrible older sister... 95 Share ...
spiritbearr . 9y ago Drunken aunt telling and showing me how she was my wet nurse. I haven't drank milk since I was five. Share 44 ...
biltoncat . 9y ago When I was younger and my Mother let my brother shave her head. I cried for days, and it still freaks me out. Share 16 ...
UsualFuturist 9y ago When I was like seven an alligator lizard bit me in the back yard. Chomped onto my foot and wouldn't let go for like a full minute. I'm not a big fan of reptiles. Standing in front of the reptile or snake cages in a pet store puts me on edge. 11 Share ...
keyboardkin 0 9y ago when my mom asked me about gay sex yesterday Share 3 ...
KidslnTheSandbox 9y ago No knock search warrant raid at 4 in the morning. Woke up disoriented to about a dozen giant swat officers shining their bright fucking lights at as well as their assault rifles. No need to use a stun grenade, just bust doors down and rag doll everyone around while shouting at everyone and everything. For the record, they fucked up and hit the wrong unit. The meth head had been using our address (front house) the entire time. Good times. 855 Share ...
 9y ago I was playing counter strike multiplayer and you could spray paint stuff on the walls. Most people always did a boob/ass shot to distract the enemy. But, one match this guy sprayed a picture of a guy sitting out his intestines and to this day the image is seared into my brain. 83 Share ...
 9y ago In Junior school while writing a story I made a spelling error. Spelt I as eye, not sure why but I did, hey I was only a kid! The teacher spotted it and made me stand up and explain what I'd done to the whole class. To this day I still feel the shame of that mistake like I'd made it yesterday. 64 Share ...
wombatcombat11 . 9y ago Opening my dad's bathroom door to see him bent over cleaning his asshole. Oh god this is bringing back the memories... 262 Share ...
DesuNinja 12y ago When I was younger I would give my sister spontaneous wet-willies. Now, 8 years later, any time someone even licks their finger she curls into the fetal position and cries. 7 Share ...
fred--weasley 12y ago When my brother was younger, I turned his favorite teddy bear into a spider. He's still scared of them, he can barely even look at the bloody things. Share 865 ...
gingerbreaddude 12y ago Once when I was around 8, I stayed up late with my younger brother to watch Chucky. That night we talked about how scary the movie was and decided to leave a light on. Fast forward to the next day around noon. Little brother is playing the sims and is completely engrossed in the situation while i played with my baby sister and her doll. And then it hit me like a truck. I'll freak out little brother with the doll. I slowly walk up behind little brother and toss the doll over his head and into
rage_quit6677 12y ago My brother had this issue in the bathroom where he HAS to open the shower curtain every time he goes to take care of business. So one time, I put his giant stuffed tiger in there and waited about two hours. I suddenly heard the single girliest scream I have ever heard come out of another male's mouth and he was running down the hallway. Lulz were had and jimmies were rustled. 669 Share ...
CakiePamy 12y ago I used to live in an apartment, when I was about 8 years old. My brother pushed me down the stairs, I choked on my candy and puked all over the stairs. Ever since, I'm scared of falling down the stairs again. 32 Share ...
wiggleworm7 12y ago My older cousin thought it would be fantastic to tell my sister that Catwoman (Batman Returns had just come out) lived in her closet. Не told her that he had talked Catwoman out of clawing her eyes while she slept. Не also told her that this would only work if she stopped being annoying and just to be sure Catwoman couldn't come out she had to make sure the closet door was ALWAYS closed. Needless to say this scared the crap out of my sister. Twenty years later and she still cannot and I mean cannot sleep
vodkaknight . 9y ago Was eight years old sleeping like baby. My dad decided I needed to watch my little brother be born. I likened the experience to the movie alien. But instead of ripping out the stomach it came from the very depths of Hades itself. 24 Share ...


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