33 Cool Bits of Trivia to Crack Open With the Boys

Facts you can sip ‘round the campfire
33 Cool Bits of Trivia to Crack Open With the Boys

Had a rough day at the office? Did you just pull in the driveway and see all the things you still have to do ‘round the house? Like your neighbor probably says at least once a day, “It never ends, does it?” 

Well, we’re here to tell you that it can end — for a little while at least. Let the grass grow. Let the laundry pile up. Pull up a chair in the garage, and crack open this cool, refreshing list of facts. You deserve it.

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The ‘Wild’ West

In the 1870s, people in a town in the West staged fake gunfights and robberies. It was basically a show for passengers who were coming to town on the new railroad - it might have all been a ploy to boost tourism. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


17th Century Fashion

During the 17th century, women's fashions with exposed breasts were common in society. CRACKED.COM Queens to common prostitutes particiapt- ed, and it emulated by all classes. An exposed ankle however was considered to be more risqué.



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