30 Enlightening Bits of Trivia We Found Spray Painted Under a Bridge

30 Enlightening Bits of Trivia We Found Spray Painted Under a Bridge

Yes, okay, so we found these facts under a bridge. Why do you care where they came from? Like you’re all of a sudden a fact connoisseur? So they’re not organic, locally sourced, pasture-raised facts. Big whoop. And sure, they probably can’t even be called facts since they didn’t come from the fact region of France. But, you know what? A fact is a fact in our books. We’d put every one of these up against any classy fact you got, monsieur! 

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Modern brunch was first proposed as a post-hangover meal. CRACKED.COM Guy Beringer, an English writer, first proposed the idea for the mixed meal in his 1895 essay Brunch: A Plea, defending those nursing their Sunday morning hangovers.


The longest distance at which one tank destroyed another is about 3 miles. The record was made by a British Challenger tank in the Gulf War, in 1991 - kind of amazingly, it hasn't been beaten since. CRACKED.COM


The shoot of There Will Be Blood got in the way of No Country For Old Men. Both movies shot in the same isolated area and, one day, No Country couldn't film because the other movie released too much smoke. CRACKED.COM


The WAP music video spent $100,000 just on Covid testing. Every single person on the shoot had to get tested. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Mark Hamill's phone number is in A New Hope. In the trash compactor scene, he was supposed to just say a long serial number, so he wanted it to be his own phone number. But Harrison Ford got the line instead, and he started saying his own number. Hamill nagged him to say his, Hamill's, so Ford did that and told him Happy now, you big baby? NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


Step Brothers showcases Will Ferrell's and John C. Reilly's musical talents. UPTOWN GiRL In the scene at the Catalina Wine Mixer where Reilly's character plays drums and Ferrell's sings, the actors are really doing that. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM


In It, when Pennywise's eyes look in opposite directions, that's not an effect. Bill Skarsgård can really do that with his eyes, so he did it in the movie. NOW YOU KNOW CRACKED.COM



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