30 Enlightening Bits of Trivia We Found Spray Painted Under a Bridge

Hey, bridge graffiti wisdom is still wisdom
30 Enlightening Bits of Trivia We Found Spray Painted Under a Bridge

Yes, okay, so we found these facts under a bridge. Why do you care where they came from? Like you’re all of a sudden a fact connoisseur? So they’re not organic, locally sourced, pasture-raised facts. Big whoop. And sure, they probably can’t even be called facts since they didn’t come from the fact region of France. But, you know what? A fact is a fact in our books. We’d put every one of these up against any classy fact you got, monsieur! 

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The First Space Walk

The first man who freely walked in space got over 300 feet from his space shuttle. NAS Astronaut Bruce McCandless' untethered spacewalk (with just a jetpack) happened in 1984, and he says he wasn't nervous about doing at all. CRACKED.COM


U.S. Army Base in Greenland

There's a decaying, abandoned WWII US army base in the landscape of Greenland. The abandoned equipment includes about 10,000 rusted and leaking fuel barrels, which the locals charmingly call American Flowers. CRACKED.COM


The Star Spangled Banner

The Star Spangled Banner only became the U.S. national anthem in 1931. THE STAR SPANGLED BANNER does the - der A PARIOTIC KING, Baltimore, Printed and of CARRS Music Store AIR 36 Ballistore Street Heaven Con Spirits - ريع e Where de abore the diely Carl - University with Ant shere and H جويد THE - The Some - - - الخاصة word adidas condition Miled the - - - Seoring story Science - As fabully الد - - More but needed New Rokhey FOR HOM think working ONLY I - their Bob or F Scan and deve - M



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