40 Actual Historical Facts That Sound Like They Came From an Alternate Dimension

Time travelers have been meddling
40 Actual Historical Facts That Sound Like They Came From an Alternate Dimension

If these facts were real, surely someone would have taught them to us in school, right? Unless, of course, theyre too powerful. Wield this new knowledge carefully…

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CRACKED.COM 97% OF HUMAN HISTORY HAS BEEN LOST. Humans appeared 200,000 years ago. Writing is about 6,000 years old. This means that only 3% of our species' history has been recorded.


Mozart and James Joyce

CRACKED.COM Our greatest artists and thinkers were pervs. Mozart began writing symphonies at five, but then also wrote a lot about poop and farts. Similarly, besides writing Ulysses, James Joyce described in detail what he'd like to do with his wife's farts. Does this mean they could have worked for Cracked? Yes.



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