40 Actual Historical Facts That Sound Like They Came From an Alternate Dimension

40 Actual Historical Facts That Sound Like They Came From an Alternate Dimension

If these facts were real, surely someone would have taught them to us in school, right? Unless, of course, theyre too powerful. Wield this new knowledge carefully…

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NAPOLEON WASN'T SHORT. At 5 feet 6.5 inches, he'd be barely an inch shorter than the average Frenchman today. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM WARNER BROS. WAS FOUNDED AS THE OTTOMAN EMPIRE WAS ENDING. The empire existed from the 14th century until the Republic of Turkey was established in October 1923. By then, Warner Bros. had been operating for several months. WARNER BROS. PI


CRACKED.COM THE CURRENT U.S. FLAG WAS DESIGNED BY A HIGH SCHOOL STUDENT. 17-year-old Robert G. Heft made a 50-star flag for a school assignment when Alaska and Hawaii were given statehood. Не got a B-, which was changed to an A when the government adopted his flag.


CRACKED.COM BRITISH TANKS HAVE LONG INCLUDED TEA- MAKING FACILITIES. CORT S ST 07 59 С - 66 Before 1945, Brits had to stop and climb out of their tanks for their tea breaks. Since that time, they've been able to remain safely and cozily (or cosily) secluded, thanks to a built-in boiling vessel.


THE PYRAMIDS WEREN'T BUILT BY SLAVES. Despite what you've seen in movies, the Egyptian pyramids were the work of paid laborers working on three-month shifts. CRACKED.COM


THE NORMANDY LANDINGS WERE AMERICA'S FINEST DAY-EVEN IF AMERICANS WERE IN THE MINORITY. There were over 83,000 men in the British Second Army that stormed the French beaches, compared with 73,000 in the First United States Army. CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Ancient Rome wasn't white. Rome was right next to non-white civilizations, and you can't really have an empire without bringing them in (or with such dumb ideas as racial prejudice). Yup, ancient Rome was the OG melting pot.


Ancient Greece wasn't all about reason. There wasn't even a unitary ancient Greece to begin with. Instead, it was all corruption, superstition, illiterate people, a bunch of city-states warring with each other, and the greatest minds being poisoned (just for criticizing democracy). CRACKED.COM


CRACKED.COM Neanderthals used plants as medicine. Putting Neanderthal teeth under a microscope, experts found traces of chamomile and yarrow. As those taste awful, they were probably eaten for their medicinal benefits, like helping with digestion, having anti-inflammatory and antiseptic properties, and helping prevent colds.


CRACKED.COM Ancient Inuit had sunglasses. The ancestors of the Inuit had futuristic, sick-looking snow goggles made of ivory 2,000 years ago. 1,200 years ago, Chinese judges would use dark shades to hide their reactions during trials.


America had Nazi summer camps. In the '30s, German-Americans who supported Hitler held summer camps on Long Island with very Hitler Youth-like activities, like marching, rifle practice, and sucking. It all died down after America entered the war and Indiana Jones punched them silly. CRACKED.COM



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