31 Compelling Reasons to Chuck Capitalism in the Trash

Reason 1: America’s $1.7 billion sensors that were thwarted by urine
31 Compelling Reasons to Chuck Capitalism in the Trash

We know what you’re thinking: You think that our harsh judgment of capitalism means that we must want Communism or a dictatorship instead. Well, that’s simply not true. We just stumbled upon a batch of foolish money-squanderings that had us questioning the system. Luckily, we’re typing this from a place that won’t have us imprisoned for judging its capitalistic ways. So let the judgments begin!

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Government Spending

In 2010, the GSA spent $800,000 on a conference in Vegas. conositara P | I I P no 850198IN2 D OM НО ВЕ ... OTI CCOS OOT NATION eep ried Twinkie The General Services Administration is the eRm agency that is in charge of eliminating government waste. Expenses included a $75,000 team building exercise, various $5,600 in-room parties, $31,000 networking receptions and assorted mysterious catering bills, such as a $7,000 sushi bill. CRACKED.COM http://www.gsaig ov/?LinkServID=90537F5B-FBF8-E39E-A4F0D09005742C28&showMeta=0



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