27 Crucial (or Completely Random) Scientific Experiments From History

27 Crucial (or Completely Random) Scientific Experiments From History

Once you get past all the studying, and math, and ethical conundrums, not to mention the blood and guts, science seems pretty fun!

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CRACKED COLONIALISM, DECEIT, AND BIRTH CONTROL: THE PILL TRIALS OF 1956 John Rock and Gregory Pincus conducted human trials for the Pill in Puerto Rico, taking advantage of the island's population density, lack of anti-birth control laws, and existing network of birth control clinics. The trials were successful in demonstrating the Pill's effectiveness, but have since been accused of deceit, colonialism and exploitation of poor women of color.


CRACKED INFANT MONKEYS DENIED SOCIAL INTERACTION Harry Harlow's research on primates revolutionized our understanding of the importance of social relationships in early development, demonstrating the devastating effects of social isolation on infant monkeys through their disturbed behavior and refusal to interact with peers.


Scientists resurrected a nearly 42,000- year-old worm. Russian and Princeton University scientists say they've thawed and revived two ancient nematodes from the Pleistocene Epoch that were recovered from the Siberian permafrost. The younger is a mere 32,000 years old, while the elder is 41,700 (but honestly doesn't look a day over 40,000). We cannot confirm whether the team is now missing one worm and one husky. CRACKED.COM


27 Crucial (or Completely Random) Scientific Experiments From History


GRACKED COM Scientists created chickens with control dinosaur faces. In 2015, researchers from Yale and Harvard, possibly with funding from John Hammond, fiddled with the chicken genome until they created chicks with velociraptor snouts experimental instead of beaks. When faced with ethical concerns of the abomination before God variety, the lead author of the study assured everyone that none of the fetuses were allowed to hatch. alligator But he then added that if they had, they would have survived and done just fine.


A Soviet biologist tried to create Ilya Ivanov a humanzee. What do you get when you cross a human with a chimpanzee? The answer is obviously an abomination, but Soviet biologist Ilya Ivanov decided to proceed with such an experiment anyway. Some claim one specimen was successfully created, but no confirmation exists. Surely somewhere, Charlton Heston is bellowing at the hubris of man. CRACKED.COM



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