27 Crucial (or Completely Random) Scientific Experiments From History

That’s enough STEM for today
27 Crucial (or Completely Random) Scientific Experiments From History

Once you get past all the studying, and math, and ethical conundrums, not to mention the blood and guts, science seems pretty fun!

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Stanford Prison Experiment

CRACKED COLLEGE STUDENTS TRICKED INTO FAKE PRISON (FOR... REASONS) Nine college students were taken to a fake prison in the Stanford University psychology department as part of the Stanford Prison Experiment, a controversial study in social psychology. The experiment has been used to explain events such as police brutality, but its lessons are not clear-cut due to the heavily manipulated environment and predetermined roles of the participants.


Praying Mantis Goggles

Scientists built tiny 3D goggles for praying mantises. This mantis isn't just fashionable with its slick little goggles-it's a boon to science. Mantises are the only known invertebrates with 3D vision, and can accurately strike moving prey even when the image beamed to each eye (via the goggles) is different. This mantis-vision research could help future worker robots navigate the world. Or more effectively murder enemies of the hive mind. CRACKED.COM



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