34 Bits of Trivia We Haven’t Been Able to Read Because We Can’t Get This Dang Lid Off the Trivia Jar

We need a big, strong reader like you to help with these!
34 Bits of Trivia We Haven’t Been Able to Read Because We Can’t Get This Dang Lid Off the Trivia Jar

Look, we’re not ashamed to admit that we need help opening jars. As you can imagine, there aren’t any beastly Schwarzenegger types strolling around the Cracked office. And we’re not Google. There isn’t a full gym on the eighth floor. But hey, now that it’s trivia jars that need opening, biceps might become the hot new commodity around here!

Planes, Trains and Automobiles

Planes, Trains, and Automobiles was supposed to be over 3 hours long. That was John Hughes' original cut, but it was lost, and his guess was that it was rotting away in a vault somewhere. CRACKED.COM


Alligator vs. Drone

Gator 1, Drone 0: Fort Myers' unusual training exercise. The Lee County Sheriff's Office was doing a training exercise when an alligator attacked a camera drone. The gator had some fun with the drone, but didn't rough it up too much. CRACKED



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