31 Obscure Trivia Tidbits From History That No Self-Respecting Know-It-All Could Possibly Ignore

31 Obscure Trivia Tidbits From History That No Self-Respecting Know-It-All Could Possibly Ignore

Today, we’re not only rewriting the history books, we’re giving them some solid punch-ups too. Their first drafts had some funny moments, but after learning what we just learned, we just had to sprinkle in some serious zingers.

Women's Suffrage VOTEGA The women's suffrage movement wasn't just housewives in frocks picketing. Many within the movement were militant and committed acts of actual terrorism. In 1912 Dublin, four suffragettes tried to burn down the Theater Royal during a performance where Prime Minister Herbert Asquith was in attendance. The prime minister had just barely dodged a hatchet thrown at him by a suffragette earlier that same day.


When The Thinker statue is brought up in conversations, you imagine a huge, lonesome statue of a thinking man. However, the original statue is a very small part of a sculpture known as The Gates of Hell. Can you spot it? CRACKED COM


What really crashed in Roswell in 1947? Pictured is a radar target from a balloon. The US Army Air Force was working on a balloon project at the time to monitor Soviet nuclear tests. CRACKED.COM


The team searching for the Challenger's wreckage found cocaine worth millions. Experts spent nine weeks scanning 420 square miles of ocean with sonar. They found ordinary trash, a refrigerator, half of a torpedo, eight shipwrecks, and more. Oh, and a duffel bag with 25 kilos of cocaine (that came from who knows where), worth about $13 million. CRACKED.COM


At Mao and Stalin's first meeting, the USSR stole Mao's poop. On Stalin's personal orders, the sewage pipes in the house where the two met were rerouted to special storage boxes. The thinking was that an analysis of the chemicals in his poop would reveal secrets about Mao's psychology. (Did it work? Nobody knows.) CRACKED.COM


During the Great Depression, only 2 people on Wall Street actually committed suicide by jumping out of a building. CRACKED.COM


A plague that killed 25% of the population probably dealt the killing blow to the Roman Empire. The plague appeared in 542 A.D., and whittled down the Empire's tax base and pool of new soldiers. CRACKED.COM


AROUND 400,000 MUSLIMS FOUGHT FOR BRITAIN IN THE FIRST WORLD WAR. The Muslim role in the War to End All Wars is rarely discussed, but many fought and died for the victory of the Allies. The Indian Army consisted of 1.3 million soldiers, among them were 800,000 Hindu soldiers, 100,000 Sikhs and 400,000 Muslims. CRACKED.COM



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