21 of the Craziest Things Found at a Garage Sale

Imagine perusing a garage sale in your neighborhood and finding an O.J. Simpson trial board game nestled between the discarded Barbies and moldy Pokemon cards. While possibly in poor taste, that’s a piece of history that you may consider taking home with you — not just for the wow factor, but because anyone you told later on would be pissed that you didn’t buy it. Or, on the other hand, maybe you see something insane — like a Boeing 747 cockpit — and buy it (again for the wow factor) and people (read: your spouse) get pissed anyway. What we’re saying is, someone’s going to get pissed no matter what.
These are just some of the wild things Redditors have stumbled upon during their rummage-sale adventures, and practical or not, couldn’t help but fork over the cash for.