21 Old Insults We Need to Bring Back

Though many things have advanced in recent decades, it would be foolish to act like all of that advancement has been for the better. Culturally, there’s been a certain oomph lacking from many facets of our lives, including insults. People now lean into whatever one-word roast is of the moment, but there’s something very special about the roasts of yore. If someone hurled an “OK, Boomer” at me, I’d probably just consider it par for the course. I wouldn’t necessarily be unscathed, but it’s nothing I haven’t heard before. However, if someone told me, “I’d be surprised if you can count to 20 with your shoes on,” I’d not only need to take a minute to understand what that meant, but I’d need to be ready to fight once I did.
Along those lines, these are the two-punch insults Redditors want to bring back into the popular lexicon, and damn if we don’t agree that calling people “egg” is the way forward.