25 Wild Experiences Truckers Have Had While on the Open Road

Despite having the reputation of being burly creeps who piss in soda bottles, truck drivers are actually the backbone of our economy — oh, and yeah, sometimes they piss in soda bottles, too. But urine aside, much of our daily needs are met by truckers’ long hours and hard work. Which is why it adds insult to injury when one of these road warriors has to deal with hearing a horny ghost repeatedly saying, “I ain’t got no panties on” in a Southern drawl over the CB radio.
Okay, we don’t know for sure if it was a ghost, but given the rest of the story, it sounds like a paranormal experience. The horniness part isn’t up for debate, though. That’s obviously a very horny thing to say — ghost or no ghost.
To that end, a bunch of truckers have revved on over to Reddit to share the wildest things they’ve experienced on the road.