24 Funny, Weird or Wild Stories from Librarians
One of the most incredible things about human beings is our ability to bring weirdness to literally any establishment, as even the library isn’t safe from bizarre sightings. For example, at one library, a guy nicknamed “Clippy” would go through Yahoo! personal ads and print out pictures of fully-clothed women. Then, after drawing a sweater on each of them with a Sharpie, he’d meticulously cut them out, so he had his own little collection of paper dolls. Unsurprisingly, he was later banned from the library for public masturbation.
IMHO, though, crankin’ hog in plain view is the least strange detail of that story. To that end, the librarians of Reddit have shared more unbelievable things they’ve seen while on the clock, and if nothing else, you will now probably be way more careful about what you drop down the book chute.