What did Arnold Schwarzenegger refer to as “some shit movie I’m doing”?Pumping IronKindergarten CopThe TerminatorPredatorWhich indie star said of their big break, “Never, in my wildest dreams, did I think it would even get into Sundance”?Zooey Deschanel, (500) Days of SummerGabourey Sidibe, PreciousJon Heder, Napoleon DynamiteTobin Bell, SawWhich movie did Keira Knightley tell close confidants was “going to be total shit”?Pirates of the CaribbeanThe Phantom MenaceLove ActuallyKing ArthurThe star of which wildly successful film thought it was a failure out of the gate, saying, “You don’t make a movie with a talking tree”?Chris Pratt, Guardians of the GalaxyElijah Wood, Lord of the RingsIrene Bedard, PocahontasJudy Garland, The Wizard of OzWhich classic horror baddie thought their film was going to be a “piece of shit”?Jack Nicholson, The ShiningBetsy Palmer, Friday the 13thRobert Englund, A Nightmare on Elm StreetDoug Bradley, HellraiserWhich action star thought their big vehicle was going to be “straight to video”?Pierce Brosnan, GoldenEyeVin Diesel, The Fast and the FuriousHarrison Ford, Raiders of the Lost ArkLiam Neeson, TakenWhich director booked a trip to Hawaii, specifically to avoid press during opening weekend — a weekend he was sure would get him run out of town anyway?Greta Gerwig, BarbieJames Cameron, AvatarTim Miller, DeadpoolGeorge Lucas, Star WarsWhich film did Bill Skarsgård think was cursed?ItBarbarianVillainsSimple SimonWhat movie did 20th Century Fox try to kill with a last-minute $7 million budget cut?The Phantom MenaceFreddy Got FingeredDeadpool AvatarWhen a producer reached out to DC Comics about film rights for one of its properties, a VP told them, “For God’s sake, don’t do this. I don’t want to see you lose all your money.” What character were they buying the rights to?SupermanBatmanSwamp ThingShazam!
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