31 Eyebrow-Arching Facts About Video Games

Sick of playing video games? Of course, you aren’t, but we bet you can’t play a video game this very moment or you wouldn’t be wasting your time reading instead of tapping arrows. If that’s the case, why not read a few video-game fun facts about your favorite way to pass your limited life on this planet? After all, the amazing developers spent a lot of time creating that game you’ll only play through once, so you might as well spend a few moments appreciating their effort through trivia about the work they accomplished.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim lets players identify the dragon in the introduction...if they get close enough

The Gamer

Street Fighter was born during a dull meeting.


Pokemon GO made people hunt for monsters literally everywhere.

USA Today

You could fit all the game developers of Pokemon Blue and Red into a minivan


The Gamecube V2 Keyboard Controller was probably the most difficult-to-hold controller


"No More Heroes" wants you to erect a sword.


Capcom was against mirror matches


This game actually hurt people who sucked at it.



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