26 of the Dumbest Kitchen Accidents Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

‘The guy tried to catch a falling knife’
26 of the Dumbest Kitchen Accidents Witnessed by Restaurant Workers

When you work in a kitchen, injuries are a question of when, not if. The fact that your chosen profession revolves almost entirely around heat and blades means that it’s not particularly kind to a part of the body ending up where it shouldn’t. After all, when your job requires you to cut and cook meat, you’ve got to be really careful that the meat in question doesn’t come off the end of your finger.

The severity of a kitchen accident, too, doesn’t always match up with the level of brain fart that might have caused it. For example, the tiniest slip-up — if it happens to be in the vicinity of a deep fryer — is now the sort of whoopsie that might require skin grafts. 

To that end, the chefs and food service workers of Reddit have shared the dumbest and most dangerous accidents they’ve ever unfortunately shared a kitchen with, including many people who doubted the power of said deep fryer.

3то ago TCM_407 It was my self: Around 7 or 8 years ago | was on the line when somebody knocked an aerosol can of Vegalene into the fryer...and nobody noticed...for about 5 minutes the can heated up until it exploded, sending around 5 gallons of 350 degree oil into the air, and then down onto my hapless self...2 months in the hospital and 10 hours of skin graft surgery later I finally got to go home from that shift 2.5K Reply Share ...


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