34 Head-Turning Conversations People Overheard in Public

‘I’m getting a DUI after this one’
34 Head-Turning Conversations People Overheard in Public

Since hitting London’s West End in 1986, Andrew Lloyd Weber’s Phantom of the Opera has garnered several positive reviews throughout its nearly four-decade run. 

Despite this, the most accurate account of the long-running production didn’t come from a seasoned theater journalist, but rather a Scottish teenager after sitting through the two-and-a-half hour show in New York City. “I always thought that the Phantom was meant to be some kind of tragic, romantic anti-hero. But he’s just a fucking dick,” one Redditor overheard the teen tell his mother in a “thickkk Glaswegian accent.”

This excellent one-off review is one of many such gems people have dropped in public. Whether it’s about an almost set of twins or the etiquette of receiving a gift from a bird, here are some of the funniest things people overheard while out and about in this beautiful world of ours.

rockerroller 1y ago I was riding my bike and passed by a guy going the opposite way on a unicycle. As we pass he said, Fuckin' two wheeler! 4.7K Share ...


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