33 Ultimate Moments of Petty Revenge

‘We called him for about two weeks at all hours’
33 Ultimate Moments of Petty Revenge

For some people, “don’t get mad, get even” serves as both a way of life and inspiration for petty acts of revenge. Take it from one Redditor, who gave an email grifter a taste of his own medicine after the “unsubscribe” button failed to remove their information from his fishy listserv. “I took his email address he answered from and added it to his own list,” they recalled, “then signed it up for any other spam I could find.” 

After a few days, the unstoppable spam magically came to a screeching halt.

This witty scammer scammer is far from the only person to enact sweet — and often clever — revenge on those who wronged them. Whether it’s a gag plucked straight from That’s So Raven or a classic Wi-Fi prank, here are times people got mad and even…

sorakoi 7y ago Crossing at a busy downtown intersection, a very impatient driver waiting to make a turn honked at a lady pushing a stroller (she had the right of way). I slowed down, but the guy next to me straight up stopped in front of the car, then bent down to re-tie his shoelaces. 1.7K Award Share ... MarsNirgal 7y ago That's not revenge, that's a lesson. 477 Award Share ... + 11 more replies


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