40 Respectful Bits of Trivia That Will Wipe Their Feet Before Entering Your Brain

These facts are lovely, but they might overstay their welcome

You know those people who are so nice that they end up annoying the hell out of you? Well, if thats a dealbreaker for you then you might want to skip this list. These facts are incredibly pleasant, polite and positive, but they tend to keep it going for a little too long. 

You better just get what you can out of their sweet knowledgeable conversation here, then tell them you have to hit the hay because of an early flight in the morning. If you dont, theyll never leave.

Tokyo’s Imperial Palace


Terrible Predictions


The Zeigarnik Effect

Source: PsyBlog

Mafia II

Pamela Anderson and Jon Peters

Donating Your Body to Science


Illegal Filmmaking


iEarn Bot

Jennifer Lawrence

Source: YouTube

Online Drinking

Source: VICE

Russia’s Population

Captain America


Heidi Klum



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