40 Grizzled Bits of Trivia That Have Seen Things You Could Only See in Your Nightmares

You’re gonna regret striking up a conversation with these at the bar
40 Grizzled Bits of Trivia That Have Seen Things You Could Only See in Your Nightmares

Have you ever sidled up to a stranger, struck up an innocent conversation and immediately regretted it? Your eyes widen as they somehow jump from the weather to some horrifying details about their past, as if they’ve been wanting to unload them on someone for years. 

Well, you just became that someone. This list has been dying to get these tidbits off of its chest, so just smile and nod along until you think of a way out of this mess, okay?

Jennifer Fitzgerald



Mariner Valley


Deadpool 2

Source: CBR

Jon Stewart

Comedy Central



Stoner Ave.

Saoirse Ronan


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